abandoning libertarianism and becoming a red

Jun 16, 2005 17:25

The following is taken from Rolling Stone magazine who got it from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004

Industrialized nation % of Gross National Income devoted to assisting other countries
Norway 0.87
Luxembourg (Pierre!) 0.85
Denmark 0.84
Sweden 0.77
Netherlands 0.74
Portugal 0.63
France 0.42
United Kingdom 0.36
United States 0.16
Italy 0.15

I see that and am like- we suck. But, but but but- how many monies is that? US gives $18,999 million. Next highest among those countries of relief/aid money is not even close. It is France with $8,475 million.

Luxembourg spends $241 million on aid.

So this is the thing. We got the money and we give the money. we give a lot of money if you compare dollar amount. And that makes me think of chuch. Poor people donate a lot more % of yearly income, but rich people get the doorways and shit built in their honor. I struggle with this.

Which is better? Karl Marx or Ayn Rand?

I know I'm not developming this much.

Ah well
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