so i havnt updated in awhile.....i know that no one noticed or anything but oh well. so i hate band and colorgaurd right now. not so much the people but the additudes and the fact that im not out on the field with them marching. my parents did not pay $700 to watch my sit on the side lines. but once again i dont think many people even notice that im not marching on the field with them. thank you gordon for trying to make me feel better...srry some people are being so stupid.
just out of curiosity and all....does it make since for someone who helps out the band not to be able to sit with the band, but someone who has nothing to do with the band any longer to be able to sit with the band?! geez.....that really pisses me off, but whatever. this world is so screwed up, theres nothing i can do anymore. b/c my thoughts and opinions dont matter.
one thing good thats happened since my wreck...ive become really close to some awsome people! rachel, and my friend erickson. erickson was already my friend but we have become a whoel lot closer in the last couple of weeks. last nite he was trying his hardest to make me laugh.....he is such a great friend. and ryan...poor ryan! i dont know how he has put up with me this long. last nite after the game my uniform was soakin wet (from the rain) and the windows on the bus were down. so i was freezing! ryan took a uniform bag and put it over me and then tried blocking some of the wind for me! all my firnds are wonderful! i love all of you! even the ones that are not as close as others!!!!
im finally getting over my phobeia of sleeping in front of ppl! whoohoo! hahaha. i fall asleep in chemistry everyday and last nite i slept some on the way home. well, im about to have to go to work! whoohoo! < sarcasim