Nov 29, 2004 14:26
well lets see what has happened in the last week. a whole lot of nothing til thxgiving, that was a day spent mostly at home. watched the lions get killed by Indy. Then had dinner around 5. went to my grandmas around 6-630 somewhere in there. came home, watched Full Metal Jacket then went to bed. Friday i got up and it was my birthday, me and Sarah went shopping around 8 o'clock. Went to the mall got a couple shirts, then she took me to Mongolian Barbaque for my birthday which was really nice. came back to her house, watched the Blue Collar Comedy tour, came to my house for a lil bit, went back to her house and watched Full Metal Jacket, hung out with her and kerri, then went bowling. took her home and then went home. Saturday, a lazy day til later on, got dressed and ready then went to Clutch Cargos for the night which was fun i guess... woulda been better if Sarah went with but i still had fun. Got home around 2. Yesterday was a cleaning day cuz Sarah came over and we had my birthday dinner, took her home at 830 then came home, played Raw vs. Smackdown which is an awesome game. went to bed, then today played it for a while, and now were r putting up Christmas lights but im takein a break right now cuz im cold. nothin else goin on for today yet but we will see...