(no subject)

Mar 17, 2009 12:36

Journal: nocturnesoldier

Out-of-Character Information

Name: Cammiluna
Are you over 15?: 27
LJ username: cammi
Time Zone: -5 GMT
AIM: Cammiluna, Torment Parade, I Aint Yer Buddy (mobile)
E-mail: gerako@gmail.com
Anything Else?:???

In-Character Information
Name : Shade the Echidna
Game/Series: Sonic Chronicles
Age & Grade Level: OVER 4000+ as time does not pass in the Twilight Cage, so 17 in her own personal timespan, Junior (new student)

Shade is low-key as far as interactions go, but is by no means antisocial. Anyone who gets to know her personally will find her to be a kind woman to get along with. Her sincerity and professionalism as former lieutenant of the Nocturn Marauders, however, will most likely throw anyone into thinking otherwise. She'll leave it be as long as long as she's not seen as someone who outwardly offends people, and stick to adapting to her new life and surroundings one day at a time.

She highly admires heroic people and justice defenders. Not the comic book kind (There were no otaku in the Twilight Cage, sorry!) , but people who go out of their way for their people or loved ones and what's right. At the same time she feels a need to redeem herself for the time she spent blindly contributing to Lord Ix's plans of world domination thinking it was just to bring the Nocturn clan back to this dimension. While Ix's plans were successfully thwarted in the end, she remains in disbelief of how she and her people were misled. If anything goes amiss on her watch, she'll step up to help.

She also has many curiosities of what's around her and won't hesitate to explore and use her mastery of stealth so she could be as knowledgible of Final Destination City and it's peoples as she was of her former home dimension.

Shade is a young woman of the ancient echidna tribe of Nocturnus that once existed in this world thousands of years ago. The Nocturnus Clan was a technologically-advanced race who sought control over the world and made no stops at doing so until they were faced with an equally power-hungry echidna tribe led by Pachacamac. Rivalry ensued. However, Pachacamac's clan was soon wiped out when an attempt to take the Master Emerald summoned Chaos to unleash destruction, and shortly after those events, which was 4000 years ago, the still-standing Nocturnus Clan suddenly vanished entirely and their plight for world conquest passed through time as legends.

In actuality, Shade and her people were sealed away in an alternate dimension called the "Twilight Cage." The clan chief Ix had since then worked tirelessly to escape back to their home world and Shade became the leading commander of his army of advancedly-armored Nocturne Echidnas. To Shade's knowledge, Ix's plans on an epic scale was to simply bring their people back, and they've become allies with the many different colonies the Twilight Cage had to offer in persuit of that goal.

However, Shade caught root of something bigger before plans were able to finally execute- Nocturnus restoration was only a mere stepping stone in Ix's real plan for complete world domination! Further research on Shade's stealthy behalf also revealed the Kron colony to actually have been enslaved by Ix rather than allied with him. Shade felt used and betrayed by her leader with his selfish desires, and starting with the Kron's forming resistance and a handful of Nocturnes who've also awakened to the realization, she formed an alliance with each colony one by one, there creating a grand resistance that turned against Ix and thwarted his plans once and for all.

Free from Ix's control, technology advanced further for the Nocturnus Clan with the help of the colonies they've now truly allied with at more positive means, and they were able to prioritize more on leaving the Twilight Cage as opposed to leaving AND unleash destruction, war and tyranny. The new warp belt technology in the echidnas' posession allowed to create a wormhole needed to leave the Twilight Cage. Shade volunteered to be the first to try out the new device and it warped her to a place known as Final Destination City.

4000 years have passed between the Nocturnes' disappearance and Shade's arrival at FDC, but time doesn't roll in the Twilight Cage, so Shade was still a teenager. Starting her new life with this new world's laws and orders, she was put into a high school- this particular one called Sumabura Gakuen and this is where her story begins there.

Shade doesn't know if her people immediately went forward with the new warp belts after her or not, but if they did, none of them ended up at FDC with her.

Anything Else?:
1. There's no humanization plans for her at the time I'm writing this. You jerks can probably knock her up with a Transformation Ball, but like Diddy, she won't enjoy it. Seriously! Wasnt dimensional entrapment and a 4000 year leap to the future enough for this poor girl already?
2. She comes with all her armor, warp belt, and many little gizmos of Nocturne (+TC colony) technology, but she won't wear the armor on a regular school day (except for brawl spars and the like) aside from maybe the boots or one of the fancy footwears availible in Sonic Chronicles stores. Casual wear will probably be a black shirt/pants which would resemble her old battle armor in a simple sense.
3. She has a Chao named Ghise. If it follows her in a spar or anything, it makes all of her hits do water damage. However, she doesn't have the attatchment to it like Cream has with Cheese. Ghise just hangs around and likes to play Judge.

In-Character Example Post:
I've heard good things about a restaurant called 'Ondore's Pies' and decided to go try it out. (Sweet Potato Pie has a funny taste to it.) It turned out to be really far by walking distance and this turned out to be a day I decided to walk through town instead of relying on mobile transport. It was a good walk in the end; I now know where the park, convenience store, and the history museum are. I definitely want to go to that museum sometime soon. I'm going to need more than history class to catch on.

I don't think this city is the future of what I remember 4000 years ago. Before my people disappeared, a large chunk of land was flung into the air and I clearly remember seeing a floating island. I don't see it in any horizon here now, so I'm definitely someplace else on this planet. Whether or not history records end up speaking of that island, I wonder if I'll ever see it up in the sky again?

shade the echidna, character app, retired, sbg

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