Wait, I got my refund check? And no one told me? >>;

May 23, 2008 00:52

Well I got my "Bush Bucks" as everyones calling this economic rebate stimulus thing. I was hearing alot of the guys at work saying they were getting like $500 so my hopes were up a bit that mebbe I would get that much.

Unfortunately it was only $300, and it kinda slipped under the radar. So all that money was in and out pretty quick on bills when I didnt even realize I got it. Guess I was too distracted with Califur. That con was REALLY expensive for something local. Ah well, least they helped. Was able to get myself a new tablet since I sold my old one a while back. It'll be nice to get back in the saddle and do more art. Would have been nice to have had the extra funds to kill off some bills and such in addition. *Shrugs* Easy come, easier go, I guess.

But thinking about it more, Im gonna have to be REALLY careful with money with gas now over $4 a gallon here. Don't want my account to go that low so I gotta start killing off some credit card bills like ASAP. They aren't a big problem now, just annoying. But if I keep letting em stay, then its only gonna get worse with the economy going sour and the interest rates creeping up. Hopefully things will improve soon.

Sadly it means I gotta give up going on short trips and stuff that I love to do so much, but only for a while until the funds are under control. :3
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