My Bachelorette Challenge --- Finale

Sep 21, 2008 12:34

Eh... Heh... Hi again! Welcome back to my Bachelorette Challenge that ended a super duper long time ago. I just feel like before I do the new Apoco that I should finish (at least in my LJ) a few things that have been left unfinished. Like this challenge, and the Mad Aphrodite thing. When did I last post? Wow... April? And it's the end of September... Heh... *cough* Yeah. That sounds about right. Forgive me if my commentary is a little rough. I don't remember a lot of what happened. But I figure this should be finished, so here we go!

First lets remind ourselves of who is left. Last time Caerwyn (Care-bear as I called him) and Ant (creepy sim that I love the goof) left for greener pastures. Leaving...

Victor Lillard, a family Cancer sim who is my husband in the 10 baby challenge... That I should probably get to as well... Hmm...

Kai Moto, a popularity Aries who is of my own creation. (Because I'm a little of an Asian-phile and Ben accuses.)

And Mark Hamill... I mean Gaius Caesar. *cough* A knowledge Pisces of Caesar Legacy fame. We had twins out of wed lock because he died before he could kill his wife to marry me. Pfft. (Did you know this is the most non-creepy picture I could find?)

So of course we do the hot tubing thing. And talk about the usual. World domination and kissing. Duh.

My! Young men in nice suits? This must be the fancy pants part of the competition.

All the men tried to impress me with their cooking talents. Which would have been romantic...

Except I was really hungry and demanding.

Fortunately someone gave me a cookie and I was good to wait for the food to be served. And then it was onto the romantic slow dance with a kiss part of the contest!

Awwwwwwwwwwww.... The last picture is really sweet. Or would be if this wasn't the back part of the picture:

*shudder* Did it just get scarier in here?

Ok, forget the fact that Gaius is creepy... If you can that is. Next is the flirting with the touching and then it's the kicking out, repeat tubing, repeat loving, and rinse.

Oh no, so sad. Kai ends up getting cut due to one tiny point!

Gaius + Victor = 173 with a red heart
Kai = 172 with a red heart!

Poor thing!

This actually leaves me in a serious spot. If Gaius wins, Victor could leave me with however many kids we have. Is it ten yet? What? Past ten? No I don't think so. And if Victor wins... Well, Gaius will kill me. Duh.

So there was a lot of, "I'm famous in the history books, and I question your heterosexuality!".

And of course the, "I'm a rebel bad boy who constantly pushes the limits of the law and my wife's boundaries, and I question YOUR heterosexuality!"

It was a really weird way to bond.

Of course this continued into the night with: "I ruled the world."

And the: "Ruling the world leaves you no time to raise a family properly."

Which made me enter with: "Yes, because raising children from jail is SO much more beneficial."

And then he said: "I've never been arrested. I've never even had a parking ticket! And I'm sure HE has done much more terrible things than *I* am even capable of. It's just he never had to pay for it because he WAS the law."

Which made me say: "Did you know he gambled with the deed to MY house? We had to move to a trailer park!"

Which made him scold: "BABE! Spoilers! And you know I told you I only did that so that the cops I was working under cover for could get Gary on something solid."

Which made me snap: "Oh please! You could of done that with anything else, but NOT my house! I've had that before I met YOU!"

After that I was kind of mad and in need of a drink. Which drinking makes you not so careful...

VERY not careful.

But for some reason it was ok... However I wasn't going to take anymore chances.

So it was bedtime in order to awake and finally find the ying to my yang.


And the results are.....

Frammit! It's a tie.


Me = 200 red heart
Victor = 200 red heart
Gaius = 200 red heart

And thus I stopped there. Ben told me to just let them go on free will and see who catches who cheating first. But I don't want to die, and I don't want to be left with 20 kids. De told me to take both... But I think I got bored and left the house alone.

So there you have it. So far, Sushi does not yet have her Flavius to the Prof. Butters. But what can you do? *shrug*

The end!

simselves, sims, bachelorette challenge

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