Jan 04, 2008 16:49
HAPPY NEW YEAR BITCHES (yeh Im fucking 4 days late shove it! )
Anyway... I should maybe make some resolutions or sumthin....
Finish paying off on the doll body..
Try to fucking save monies..
Go to an out of state con (just one geez...tired of these TX cons)
Less cosplay (though Im kinda already doing that one..)
Pass my classes (thats not gonna be too hard)
I think thats all...wow..these are lame..whatever...
In other news...my back fucking hurts (I guess I should tell the story...tl;dr time? )
Last night was the employee party at Kirk's house (which was so much fun~). I left work with Mike and as soon as I sat down in the car I had the feeling we were gonna get hit (see where this is going?). Well anyway needed to go to my house to get Brittany's Secret Santa gift so we did that then went back up to work to wait for Ada. I went into Toys R Us to see if they had Apples to Apples for the party..which they didnt...TRU sucks!
Anyway after that we went to Wal*Mart, which had A2A thank you! Bought the game, yaddayadda. Then headed off to AppleJacks for vodka. After that we needed to go to Mike's to get his gift for David. We stopped at a light on Cooper and WHAM! My bad feeling came true. Mike got out and took a look at his bumper and it didnt even look like wed been hit so he just let the idiot off. But apparently the guys brakes hadnt been working for a week, A FULL FUCKING WEEK. and yet he was still fucking driving...i wanted to deck him....
But so yeh that made my back hurt (i was sitting in the bad)..still does..
And the party, the party was great. Cept the porn...srly guys....porn scares me.... *sobs*
We sat around a while just talking and stuff..also made lots of fun of Brian cos he was drunk off like 2 beers...it was funny. We played A2A and I decided it was time to drink..cos A2A is fun when youre tipsy..cept y'know Im loud and cuss a hell of a lot more when Ive got booze in me....god Im a mean drunk XD
So we played two games of that then more people left and then Taboo was bought out. I was time nazi cos I was far too gone by then to bother coming up with words or guesses by that point. After one team got to 75 pts they ended that game and played something else. I cant remember the name of it but I you have this wheel thingy that has three part to it, you spin each part for a word then pick a card. The card has a scenario on it and each person (cept the judge) has to write a story useing those words and the scenario. While the judge picks three words they think a person will use to steal their points. It was kinda fun to watch.
After that it was time to leave..cos it was like after 4am..
I went home with Suzz and Eric. Eric and I played some Mario Kart (cos I refused to play Madden). I smoked Eric most of the time in the races. Then we tried to get the heater to fucking work..which it didnt..we also just sat and talked..and I shouldn't be allowed to talk when im drunk..srsly..i say some stupid shit XD
And I also shouldn't be allowed to touch a phone..neither should Eric...
Anyway slept at about 7 or 8am..and now Im home, have been since about 2..
And Im bored...
my back...fucking hurts
Im an idiot (phones are a nono [srsly sorry ;0; ])
7 to 8..maybe 9 shots of vodka along with 2 or 3 pomegranate martinis (that shit was good thank you Kirk)
and umm..i think thats all..
epic fail,
life sucks,
hate my life