(no subject)

Mar 10, 2005 07:56

Dream: A group of superheroes makes it big, but then deliberately goes about desecrating the rituals that made them who they were, because they don't need such things anymore. Great, subconscious, thanks.

I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with people who remove me from their friends list. It's sorta difficult, because I know I don't really run a clean ship here, but it also means that I lose access when it involves people who post basically friends-only. Actually, I'm just having problems with Livejournal's friends concept in general at this point. That and the yearly review coming up... in theory, today... which is going to just be uncomfortable, because I need to lay the cards on the table, and a lot of them involve "they're all using me to attempt to get advantage for themselves"...

Went back into the pool, got "namida no hurricane" in 5 minutes. Also got the accidental side benefit of getting this song...Honestly, porsupah, I would agree with you that I think I'd actually prefer an iTunes Japan... but then they'd also have to have the game soundtracks, and that'd be difficult. And it would definitely be very pricey.

Today's moment of Zen comes from Sherwood. Of course it's not work-safe. (Okay, it's watersports.)

*This isn't something that comes only once a millenium

kink, music, dreams, rl

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