Sweet weekend.
My first day of work on Saturday was pretty cool. I worked from 10:30 to 4. It was pretty hectic for a little while, but nothing we couldn't handle. It won't be a hard job to become good at. I just gotta memorize the table numbers and stuff and quickly figure out where to seat people and which server can take them and stuff. Word.
So, my sister came up on Saturday and it ruled. We chilled in my room and talked for like 2 hours and it was incredible. It was so great to just sit and discuss things and talk about church and God and life. Afterwards, we went out to Northern Light, and then came back to campus and played Scrabble.
This morning we went out to breakfast and then went to church and she totally loved it. I'm so happy she was able to come and to see what it's like here and to come to my church and to just hang out and talk. It ruled so much. She had a blast with Kara and Ang, also. I'm glad she could stay with them. BBC is now my sister's weekend getaway if she needs to get out of Jersey for a bit. She rules.
Much love,