Nov 23, 2005 21:42
So did you ever get that feeling that there is one place in the world that you totally fit in and totally belong...for me that place is Camp Timbers. When I first got to camp it was my mom and me because it was like 5:30 and we were told to be there by 6! So anyways (every one showed up at 8ish!!!) We sat around ate pizza and I started to have a panic attack...imagine yourself in your favorite place in the world waiting for the greatest people to show up and you're sitting there for 2 and 1/2 HOURS!!! It sucked! Well anyways so we eat we sit I get really really uncomfortable because I have to poop but refuse to until my pooping buddy shows up...(camp thing don't ask) so in pain, just ate, with my mom...WHO IS CRAZY!!! and just chill'n so Snags comes in and I'm flipping because I haven't seen him in two summers and he's gorgeous... Courtney Billy and Megan show up (finally I know) and I'm just glancing outside of the lodge and I see Courntey and flip out! Going crazy I scream forgetting that there is another group at camp (which I still think that they are a bunch of little kids growing up to be Nazi's...I mean the guy even looked like the next Hitler) so I get weird looks and get in trouble so I run thing I know Rachel, Eileen, Ali, and their mom's are behind them! (oh yeah if I forgot to tell you it was a women's get away) so yeah we saty up for hours talking about what we've been doing... I think it was like 3:30 4ish that night the ladies in A1 were crunk as Rachel said they had so much booze they could have opened up their own liquor store in camp! We went to sleep and then woke up and played spoons most of the day until we wnt canoeing and then came back then zip line which I went down! and then took a shower and went shopping at the Tanger Outlet Mall in West Branch which I bought some new things for my keychain! Super cute might I add! Then we went to Taco Bell and got 3 Caramel Apple Empanadas because Courtney and Megan couldn't go to the Mall with us! this is what I put in my myspace:
So his name is Exavior or however you spell that name... He works at the Taco Bell in West Branch...(I know it's a long ways away...but that's alright)
His real name is Josh but we drove up to the Taco Bell driver through and this guy sounds really hyper or at least hyped up on something! and he's all like HI! HOW'S YOUR DAY!
mind you that there are 5 total people in the car... my mom, eileen, leslie, rachel, and me... and rachel and I are in the very back of the car because we have a station wagon which you can sit in the trunk...
and I start laughing my ass off right?!?! and so the convo goes on and we order after him being totally funny and we drive up and of course he's TOTALLY HOTT!!!
I mean gorgeous! and so i'm like (whisper) mom whats his name? (end whisper) and so she decides to ask him his name becuase she knows I think he's hott!
So he's like MY NAME IS EXAVIOR!!! he starts to laugh and then says NO MY NAME IS JOSH! and my mom's all like ok because my daughter thinks you're hott!
...and we drive away...after a while
how super lame is that!!! .
..that's all I have to say...
...thanks for tunnig in everyone...
So that was the end of my Taco Bell in West Branch experience...well I had one before that but you don't want to hear about that guy! So we go to Rite Aid to pick up more stuff and we end up being late for dinner!!! It was ok though because it tasted gross...most of the food did because Joe can't cook...JOE STARR CAN COOK FOR ME ANYDAY THOUGH!!! So that night we went for another Hayride and had to start a fire because guys have no idea what the hell they're doing!!! You'd think they never started a fire the ladies had to start it... it was sweet... and then Eileen and I came back to the staff lounge because we were freezing our asses off and sat there while playing speed...which we went into the lodge even though we wern't supposed to because the Nazi's were in there watching porno movies...j/k... so we sat in the kitchen and laughed our asses off... got in trouble a lot of times...then sat in the kitchen laughing at our selves even more and then Rachel and Ali come bursting into the kitchen asking if we've seen any staff and of course what staff comes in the kitchen at 9:35? so we say no and they go racing off into the sunset (which later we found out that Quartni was dying...chest pain...) so they come back so I feel responsible to go see if she's ok but she's not so whatev we run around camp looking for Heidi...(camp nurse) and find back...Quartni, Megan, and Steve just left for the Hospital...Snags, Rachel, Eileen, and I play Monoply(which I lost by $200...very dissapointing) and Ali was the banker...played that until 3ish couldn't go to bed because Quartni wasn't back so went back into the lodge and found stuff to do Quartni came back at 4:30ish went to bed...lets just say I didn't wake up until 10:30 the next day and still felt like shit! So I missed breakfast, first and second activity...but that was okay because the drunks left and so did they crappy people...then Rachel, Eileen, Ali, and their parnets left...shortly after my mom and I left and here I am today to tell you this story...I highly doubt people actually read this whole thing beacuse it's too damn long!!! Oh well my real friends will read this..
p.s. this took me about 33 minutes to write so you better read this!!!