(no subject)

Sep 08, 2006 15:19

so today i had a doctors appointment...and i'm starting to feel better...maybe

it hurts
the pain
you caused me
you im me
e-mail me
even just
say hi to me
when we pass crosses
you were my closest friends
and you dissappointed me
you put me in this position
and i hate you for it
and i dont want to talk to you
or look at you
or anything
go away
dont ever talk to me
the more you do it
the less i feel of myself
so good bye
good ridence

yah i just wrote that now from the top of my head

this poem i wrote wednesday

i cat take it,
its to much,
there's no point,
i'll take the knife,
and put it to my wrist,
bringing the sharp memory,
across my arm,
watching the blood,
drop slowly,

this one was from alonggg time ago

are you suicidal?
she asks me
i say no
but really
i'm not
i'm just a girl
who likes blood
and scars
and pain
its like a collection
you collect dolls
i ask her
she says yes
and i say
same thing

and this one
the teddy bear
sits there smiling
all the sudden
it takes the closest thing to it
and cuts one thread at a time
until the stuffing comes out
its unbearable
the pain
and hour passes
and all thats left
is a pile of fur
drenched in stuffing

ok thats all...i feel alittle better
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