You Are Sex On the Beach!
When comes to drinking, you like it to go down smooth.
You really don't like the taste of alcohol - just its effect on you.
So, you're proud to get drunk on fruity, girly drinks.
Because once you're liquored up, the fun begins!
What alcoholic drink are you? I really don't agree with that. I don't like the taste of alcohol?! Bloody hell!! Then why do I drink it?! I love the taste of the drinks that I drink. Idiots.
I'm not sure, but I think the guy I worked with today was hitting on me.. o_O I've known him a year now, but today was the first time I ever got that impression! We've arranged to meet up for a PS playing night, he got the new Grand Theft Auto, and I'm sorely jealous!
*sigh* I have no washing machine now, and I need to wash some of my clothes, but when the fuck am I going to have time to go down to the laundro-mat to wash all my clothes?! I'm working everyday until monday.. Unless if I take Sunday off to have more packing time.. And bloody Leah has taken my body wash! Along with a few other things in the pantry cupboard. Not happy about that, but I think I'll just shut up about it, as long as I don't need to see her again. Okay, that was bitchy of me.
*frets* I got my passport application back in the mail today, stupid me.. I rang them up to ask how to change the address I'd put on my passport because of the fact that I'm in the process of moving, I didn't realise that they'd reject the application and send it back!! Now I have to go get another application form and have my photo's taken again... Bah, my stupidity.
Off for more packing.. :~/ I /am/ going to get my packing done by sunday. I /will/... Fuck. I /must/!