Yes, my first post in forever and it's a meme, deal! Stolen from
q_sama Go to Wikipedia and type in your birthday (month and day). Then you write down 3 events, 3 births, 3 deaths, 3 holidays, and tag 3 friends.
My birthday is: March 15.
- In 1493 Christopher Colombus returns to Spain after his first trip to the Americas
- In 1877 the first cricket test match between England and Australia commences.
- In 1985 the first internet domain name is registered (
- Eva Longoria, 1975
- George Bähr, 1666
- Margaret of England, 1275
- Julius Caesar, 44 BC - The most obvious yes??
- Pope Lucius II, 1145
- Charles Harrelson, 2007 - the father of Woody.
- the Ides of March, from the Roman calendar
- In Japan, Hōnen Matsuri - a harvest festival.
- Constitution Day in Belarus.