Title: Joie
Author: Faline
Summary: Beck defects. His army doesn't. Five years later, Heather finds him and knocks him out. She's hard core like that.
A/N: I really don't like writing happy/sappy endings. I feel like it's mostly a cop-out for my writing style. I don't mind reading them but I always feel like it's a Disney cookie-cutter ending when I do it. One of my big pet peeve self conscious things. So, maybe I'll bring this back in a second part. Maybe not. We'll see.
joy -noun
1.The emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keep pleasure; elation.
2.A state of happiness or felicity
Origin: 1175-1225; Middle English: joy(e). Old French: joie; joye
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Their days passed by gloriously.
In the mornings, before they even rose from the bed, they made love. Long sessions involving plenty of interesting techniques for waking up. Then a shower which eventually turned in to more fooling around.
When they'd make it to the ground floor, Beck usually cooked breakfast and Heather always cleaned up after him. It was a bittersweet moment when they heard Jake's truck honk from the street and most days they stayed wrapped inside one another in a hug longer than probably necessary. Most days it wasn't even to irritate Jake.
On the farm, Beck slipped in to the day to day routine very easily. He was happy to spend his time on honest labor and he was learning about the ins and outs of country living. Stanley was always polite and Mimi was glad to have someone else to talk to.
For Heather her days were longer than before. She liked to fit as much as she could in to a four day work week which allowed her Fridays to go out to the Richmond farm and 'spend time with Mimi'. Just to visit, she'd like to say with a smile.
No one was fooled after that first time when she'd insisted on sitting on the front porch and watching Beck chop wood, shirtless.
The day Heather announced she was pregnant a heavy rain had driven most of the adults of Jericho to Bailey's for some indoor amusement. She was very official with everything, banging on a large bell Mary had installed to ring every time someone tipped her.
The bar had fallen silent. Sixty pairs of eyes watched as Heather climbed up on a table and in a very not-Heather sort of way declared that they'd have themselves an honest to god post-War baby sometime in December.
The room had been shocked quiet. Shock didn't even begin to describe the look on Beck's face. When the Greens, all five of them, had caught sight of it, they started laughing and didn't stop until the applause and congratulations were over for the happy couple.
Beck decided on a wedding and right quick to. It was the end of June by then and the days were at their longest. He set up everything behind her back, even finding a sole seamstress who took apart one of Heather's mostly unused sun dresses to create a beautiful gown for her to wear.
Heather knew something was up. Beck was living with her. He'd have been an idiot for thinking she wouldn't realize that he had something planned. She just wasn't sure what exactly it was.
On June 22nd, when the sunlight was at it's longest, Beck threw a party in the middle of town. Those in attendance equated it to the time Gracie Lee had loosened her grip on some of her product and had cooked all the meat she'd had in her coolers.
Heather had been told that it was a special occasion, that they were honoring Gail with something or another. The dress, an amazing cobalt blue, wasn't really cut like a wedding gown. She didn't really think there was anything odd about Beck producing it out of nowhere and insisting she wear it.
It was when Beck left before her and Jake picked her up with a meticulously cleaned car that she began to wonder. By the time they'd reached the end of what was standing in as the 'aisle' she had a pretty good idea what was going on.
She wanted to be upset with Beck for not including her and for not even really asking her but the look of hope on his face wiped away all traces of anger she might have felt.
He handed her out of the car and promptly fell to a knee and proposed. The ring was simple. The meaning behind it was eternal. She nodded yes and the crowd that was seated rose to their feet and applauded.
Heather loved everything about the evening. She still chewed out her husband when they got back to their home. Beck took it all in stride, forcing her to cuddle in a most amusing fashion when she refused to give him a smile.
The End
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Okay, so maybe I'll write more in this story. Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see.