Title: Joie
Author: Faline
Summary: Beck defects. His army doesn't. Five years later, Heather finds him and knocks him out. She's hard core like that.
WOW. Over a month to update, and it's a shortie. Sorry guys. The world has gone insane in the membrane and I'm walking up walls these days. I promise more, very soonly, not to worry.
The street was empty as they left the house, and all three were silent. They walked, Jake leading with Beck and Heather behind him. As they reached the end of the block, Heather’s hand slipped in to Beck’s and she gave him a soft smile and a reassuring squeeze.
He wished he could find the strength to smile back, but right now, the future was looking a little dodgy. The joy of coming back and finding Heather was melting away in the harsh light of the day and the realization that he was at the mercy of the man leading them both.
He wondered if Jake felt as he had, when he’d been a leader. When he’d ruled this town with what had supposed to have been an iron fist of protection.
It was unlikely. Jake Green had been ruled by his heart before, and was most likely still ruled by it, making him a most likely fair and gracious leader to his people. And a devil to those that would try and take what was his. From the glint in Jake’s eyes right before his pistol had struck, Beck knew that Jake believed Heather was his.
Perhaps not in a romantic way. But as a friend and a valuable asset to his town. And Beck had a very serious feeling that Jake was not pleased about his being there or the fact that he’d found himself and Heather in such a compromised position.
He scoffed under his breath. Unless Jake was planning on running him out of town or locking him up, he’d have to share Heather because Beck had finally found something in her that assured him that she was attached. She wanted him, and he wanted her. Who was Jake Green to deny him that?
Sheriff. That’s who. He’d seen the badge on the other man’s belt. Jake was still holding the position that Beck himself had given him. And a sheriff these days had more clout than a mayor, having the entire responsibility of a town’s survival resting on their shoulders. Beck had seen plenty of towns, torn apart or held together at the whim of their sheriffs on his back to Jericho.
The last thing Beck wanted to do here was tear this town apart again.
At the med center, where Jake had lead them, he turned to address them both. “We’ll get that head looked at, as well as a full blood panel. No one comes in to Jericho now unless they’re screened for disease.” He grasped the door handle and pushed, adding, almost as an after thought, “We lost a lot of folk a couple of winter’s back to the flu. No one wants any new diseases brought in.”
Beck supposed that he would have to agree that it was a good idea. He'd been given a clean bill of health by the Red Cross after being released, but there was no way of telling if their methods were completely effective.
Inside the med center, it was quiet. Still early morning, most were probably just rousing from their beds. The receptionist at the desk had a wide smile for Jake and Heather but when her eyes found Beck, she frowned before reaching for a stack of papers.
“Morning Sheriff. A new face?” The woman looked familiar, but Beck couldn't put his finger on exactly who she was.
“Yes Meredith. I'll take him to the exam room.” His hand was extended with expectation and the woman placed a large packet of papers she'd dug out of the stack in his waiting palm. They were at least highly organized now, a state he had not found the town in.
Not wanting to remember those first few dark weeks, Beck bowed his head and followed Jake and Heather down the hall. They met no one else and soon Beck was sitting on an exam table with the rather large packet and a clipboard Jake had procured from somewhere in his hands. Heather handed him a pen with a smile and he smiled back when her fingers resisted letting go just a fraction of a second longer than what would have been seemly between acquaintances. Jake caught the shared look and scowled.
“Fill out the paperwork. I'll go find Doc. And maybe a nurse. I don't know how many are on staff this morning.” He gave them a pointed look that told them both that disobeying his orders wouldn't be tolerated.
As he swept from the room, Beck put the pen and the clip board down on the table next to him and reached for Heather. Their fingers entwined and he tugged gently, bringing her between his legs. He sighed and closed his eyes, glad that she was there. Her free hand cupped his cheek and his eyes opened, finding a smile that was his alone on her face.
“Everything will be all right. This is all standard procedure these days.”
Beck nodded. A deep cleansing breath chased away most of the worry and Heather's soft hand threading through his hair did the rest. He was suddenly very glad he hadn't asked her to cut it.
They shared a long look before Beck let her hand go. She backed away, taking a seat against the wall. He picked the paper work back up and frowned at the seemingly endless questionnaire. It appeared he'd be here quite a while.
Two hours later and Heather was fidgeting. She tapped listlessly on the chair while watching the hall, waiting. Jake had kept them waiting far longer than necessary.
He'd probably called up Eric along with Gray and anyone else he felt needed to be appraised of Beck's return.
They were probably all in Jake's office right now, Beck's former office, discussing what to do with the man.
She prayed they'd be forgiving. Five years was a long time. Especially to hold a grudge against a man who'd realized he'd done wrong and had tried to correct it before he'd been taken away.
The man in question was still working on the paper work and Heather felt a stab of pity for him. His confessional that morning was still giving her heart aches thinking about what he'd been through. The truth behind the scars on his back was terrifying. She couldn't bare the thought of him in any more pain. But, it would be inevitable.
The town of Jericho had survived. On sheer determination alone they had stayed the course and survived. No thanks to Beck.
She heard footsteps in the hallway. Her eyes immediately shot to Beck, who gave her a look mixed with dread and resignation before she watched the door expectantly.
Jake was back. Doc was right on his heels, along with Eric.
The younger Green brother didn't look terribly angry. Neither did Jake. Doc pushed past Jake and headed to the counter along the far wall. He started pulling out equipment for the exam that Heather knew was forthcoming.
Jake and Eric stayed in the door way. For a long moment, the two brothers and Beck gave each other looks. Beck still seemed full of worry while the Greens seemed to be contemplating.
“So, what's the story Beck? Why the hell did you come back?”
Beck, distracted by Jake's question, almost jumped right off the bed in surprise when the blood pressure cuff was fitted around his right arm. Doc apologized in his soft way before attempting again. Beck sat stock still as his vitals were taken then recorded.
“I-” Beck's mouth closed and he glanced down at his hands. He seemed at a loss for words. Heather desperately wanted to tell his story; wanted to save him the agony of relieving the worst moments of his life again.
It wasn't her place though. It wasn't her story.
Beck's mouth opened again and as Doc ran a series of basic sensory tests, then drew blood, the last five years poured out again. He glossed over the most personal stuff. He took his time describing the torture. Heather was glad to see a panic pass over both Green's face as he went through the worst of it.
At the end, which brought him to Heather's house last night, he stopped. Gave her a searching look. She sighed and stood, coming to stand next to the bed. “I brought him back. He wasn't in any shape to keep traveling. Almost dead on his feet by the time we got home.”
Jake and Eric were both quiet for a moment before Jake repeated his question again. “Why did you come back here?”
Again Beck looked at her. There was something new in his eyes though. Defeat. Pure defeat. “I have no where else to go. My family is gone. They don't want me back in the US military and all of my contacts within it have turned a cold shoulder to me. I am persona non grata.”
His voice trailed off. Eyes to the floor, Beck was laid bare in front of them. Heather's heart broke in about a million places. He hadn't told her that.
She was running on the half belief that he would be leaving her within a week or so.
The half that hadn't believed that screamed in joy at the thought that she wouldn't have to give him up. That half was ecstatic.
With his eyes still on the floor, Beck merely adjusted his arm when Doc said he was going to draw blood. Heather grabbed his other hand and gripped fiercely. He needed to know that he wasn't alone. He looked up at her in surprise and she tried to put on a reassuring face.
Footsteps in the hall again and she glanced at the door. Jake and Eric were gone. Silent, they had disappeared.
Heather would be unable to say that she was upset with that.
“All done!” Doc seemed cheerful enough, despite the sad undertones in the room. Beck glanced at him and nodded and Doc took the time to smile back at him.
“I want to thank you too Major Beck.” There was no sarcasm in the statement, and Beck looked bewildered. “You probably don't remember me, but I'm from New Bern. When the riots started you brought me in to the med group you had based there. It kept me safe, even after your defection. The block I lived on burned to the ground three days after I moved to the base, and if hadn't been for you, I'd probably be dead.”
Stunned in to silence, Heather could see Beck was in a similar state of mind. She'd known Doc was from New Bern. Couldn't for the life of her remember his actual name, but she'd seen him from time to time when she'd gotten sick at a teen.
“Not everyone around here hated you.”
With another smile, Doc picked up all the data he'd collected along with the blood sample and walked to the door. “We'll have the results of your blood panel in a few hours. Feel free to hit up the break room while you wait. There's some comfy couches and the like.”
A final smile and Doc was gone, an honestly stunned Heather and a thankful Beck in his wake.