Quotes for Cait!

May 10, 2007 14:46

Angel: You screw with me... and you screw with me ... and you screw with me ... and now, I get to screw with you. It's gonna be great!

Lilah: So, what if this guy's actually as good as he says and actually kills Angel?
Lindsey: Boo hoo, let me wipe away the tears with my plastic hand!

Quentin: Yes, excuse me, you work here?
Anya: Yes, I do. Ever since I moved here from south-eastern Indiana where I was raised by both a mother and a father.

Anya: (Describing herself) Anya Christina Emanuella Jenkins, 20 years old...born on the fourth of July--and don't think there weren't jokes about that my whole life, Mr., because there were. 'Who's are little patriot?' they'd say when I was younger, and therefore smaller and shorter than I am now.

Jinx: She's short, symmetrical, hair on top. Buffy something.

Buffy: You're Watchers. Without a Slayer, you're pretty much just watching Masterpiece Theatre.

Buffy: We are talking about two very powerful witches and a thousand year old ex-demon.
Anya: Willow's a demon?!
Council Member: What about the boy?  No real power there.
Buffy: “The boy” has clocked more field time than all of you combined.  He’s part of the unit.
Willow: (to Xander) That’s Riley-speak.
Xander: (proud and happy) I’ve clocked field time.

Wesley: (from under the desk, trying to fix the phone) Aha! Things are looking up. I think I found the right wire. Ah!
(The lights go out.)
Gunn: I'm so glad I met you guys. It's entertaining. Really.

Angel: Can you just get to the point, already?
Lorne: Yes I can, if you'll let me get in a word edgewise, Mr. "Get to the pointy-pants."

Angel: Seventeen Karaoke bars. You know I need to lie down and scrub out the inside of my head.

Angel: You want to know what my problem is? I'm screwed, that's my problem. I can't win. I'm trying to atone for a hundred years of unthinkable evil. News flash: I never can! Never going to be good enough. Now I got Wolfram and Hart dogging me. It's too much! 200 highly intelligent law school graduates working fulltime driving me crazy. Why the hell is everyone so surprised that it's working? But no, it's "Angel, why are you so cranky? Angel, you should lighten up, you should smile. You should wear a nice plaid."
Lorne: Oh, not this season, honey.

Lorne (About living): It's like a song. Now, I can hold a note for a long time -- actually, I can hold a note forever -- but eventually, that's just noise. It's the change we're listening for. The note coming after and the one after that. That's what makes it music.

Angel: (on Gene) The guy's a disaster at love. Nearly destroyed the world. I can relate.

Anya: (to Dawn) You make a very pretty little girl!
Xander: Anya! You wanna help me with that thing?
Anya: Xander needs help with his thing!

Buffy: How was school today?
Dawn: The usual. Big square building filled with boredom and despair.

Angel: Hey, Merl.
Merl: Jeez, man! I mean, can't you, you know, knock?
Angel: You don't make that funny expression when I knock, or if you do I don't see it.

Anne: So why'd you come in last night?
Kenny: I don't know. It was cold out there. I was getting frostbit.
Anne: It was sixty five degrees outside.
Kenny: So? I'm from Florida. Sixty five degrees is like the Arctic Circle.

Cordelia: Hey, Gunn graduated with a major in dumb planning from Angel University. He sat at the feet of the master, and learned well, how to plan dumbly.

Operator: All circuits are busy. Please hang up and try again.
Cordelia: This is no time for circuits busy. Don't tell me circuits are busy. If the circuits are busy, get some new circuits now!

Anya: (about Spike) Xander, I think you may have hurt his feelings.
Xander: And you should never hurt the feelings of a brutal killer... You know, that's actually some pretty good advice.

Xander: The point is, I work hard for that money.
Spike: And you're saying I didn't?
Xander: You stole it!
Spike: And you're making it into very hard work!

Dawn: I feel safe with you.
Spike: Take that back!

Buffy: These vamps have been here for a while. They've nested.
Spike: So, you're saying they're a couple of poofters?

Buffy: The late-night stakeout, the bogus suspects, the flask? Is this a date?
Spike: A d- Please! A date? You are completely off your bird! I mean- Do you want it to be?

Buffy: You don't know what you mean! You don't know what feelings are!
Spike: I damn well do! I lie awake every night!
Buffy: You sleep during the day!
Spike: Yeah but... You are missing the point.

Joyce: Honey, did you somehow, unintentionally, lead him on in any way? Send him signals?
Buffy: Well, I do beat him up a lot. For Spike, that's like third base.

Drusilla: It's not nice to change the game in mid-play, Spike... you've taken my chair and the music hasn't stopped.

Spike: What the BLEEDING hell is WRONG with you bloody women!? What the HELL does it take!? Why do you BITCHES torture me!?
Buffy: Which question do you want me to answer first?

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