May 27, 2008 19:22
Good evening world!
Work was good today. Nothing exciting, cleanings, pulling teeth, surprisingly no fillings or crowns(other than the filling on my mom that wasn't planned). I guess I shouldn't say that, because legally it is going against the HIPAA law! But I don't think mommy minds! ;)
After work I rushed to school to take my math test. Got 3 questions into it when the computer stopped working. So then I had to take the paper test which had 12 less questions on it. I'm not too happy about that, but hope she adjusts it somehow!
Tomorrow is Wednesday, which is nice, because I only work 1/2 a day on Wednesdays. Then I am coming to school again to speak to an advisor to make sure I took all the right classes. Thats kind of backwards isn't it lol.
Anywho, I am about to leave so I can go home and let my baby out of her cage. I will post later!!