Mar 29, 2008 00:44
Now, I just somehow remembered my LJ today. It was by accident. You see I used to have this Xanga account but I stopped using it because it was too depressing. But Xanga sent out some lame "We miss you come back email" so I checked into it and read it and my entries from about 2 years ago were pretty interesting. Then I realized that I had forgotten my password to LJ and got it back and I took a little stroll down memory lane and I laughed my ars off. My live hournal was always pretty genuine I think but I've been a pretty angsty person and that's fine because that what journals are for, to ventalate. At least that's how I used mine. My Xanga was for a different reason. I heard that there were many of those creepy pro-anna online cult things on Xanga and I wanted to do some inside research. Pro-anna is just some lame pro-Anorexia support group and as a psyc student at the time I wanted to get an inside glimps of the psyche of a person with such delusions. I guess I had to pretend I was anorexic too. It was interesting but yeah, fucking depressing. Imagine being told "OK, imagine a pink elephant that has try really hard NOT to think about it!" Seriously try it! I just read this in a self-help in Maruzen the other day. It's impossible. You just can't NOT think about it. So for people with annorexia it's that same thing with food. They try so hard to not eat it so it's all they can think about. Their energy is so wasted. Aparently bananas and coffee are "infested" with nasty calories and that it's good to brush your teeth constantly so you don't like the taste of food, or that you should sabotage your food with too much salt or spice so it tastes awful.
Well anyway, I had kind forgotten about all that and everything before that and I was suprised at how much I have forgotten about my life from when I started this journal about 6 years ago. I mean, I'm not 17 anymore. I guess I'm turning 24 this year. I remember a while ago, my friend Clara in Victoria whom I have lost touch with, when her 24th bday was approaching she exclaimed often as we studied for stats together "OMG I'm almost in my mid 20's!!!" (24) so i guess "OH my god I'm almost in my mid 20's" But whatever. My partner is 30 now and he still seems like a boy to me in some ways. He's very cute. and of course he's more than just cute, he's a genuine open minded individual. We're going to Korea together tomorrow and damn I was gonna go to bed early!!! But shucks, it's already 1.
A lazy update about my life in Japan: I eat with chopsticks every day, even at home. I am becoming Japanese except for that my Japanese still sucks.