Apr 30, 2005 13:06
Well first off, I'd like to congratulate Big B on winning his bowling championship this morning, lmao. Alright, well I slept over Jess's house last night. We took a couple few pictures with my phone, and just acted stupid. Jess was on the phone with Johnny a lot of the time, and he thought I was on drugs lol We ate some peeps, which might I add were rather hard lol When I bit one, it snapped back and hit me in the face, lol it hurt. Then jess threw one at my eye, that hurt real bad lol. We watched American Wedding and then she went on the computer so I had to entertain myself. We went to bed around 1, and woke up around 12. We did the usual morning talks about our dreams, cause we're cool, then we got our stuff together. Bob brought me here, and now I'm bored. I'll be sleeping over Chelsea's tonight, babysitting ConCon and Dylan, my little buddies. And I best be getting a visit tonight, haha.
* <33