Aug 25, 2004 20:28
school is a drag. we have a mtg with the principal tomorrow about my "future plans"/"plans for high school" i hope it works out. i want to get out of Math, into Ag Biology, out of my "comp" class and into TA for my teachers AG class. that way when i wana go to cuesta for animal science, i'll have ag bio/ 6 other ag classes on my transcript. plus its probably good im raising a lamb, and ducks lol.
Anyway, hope all that gets fixed tomorrow. Gotta get Melissas homework etc cuz shes having a bad time the 1st few days. Hs sucks what can i say. tried to warn her :-P still <3 her tho!
Miss matt, were warming up. lmaoo! i talked to him a lot on the phone today lol. now hes having family nite. i love you matt.
Got my new phone today. bought some cool ringtones/animation? lol! i want matty poo to see it. just gotta get all my friends #s again, cuz i lost all of um. no worries.
now i guess is hould do my hist homework and go to bed early br 10 cuz i was to tired today lol. i was really weird hyper..scaring ppl! i got my period today im so happy ahahaha!! phone period 2 P's! roflllllllllllll! im weird, peace out!
i love matt and were gonna get married and have babies, BABIES more then 1. and then were gonna make the girl be a singer/actor and the boy a compute rnerd :-D yay Michelle and Sean