May 22, 2010 01:44
So far,
Age seventeen has been the lamest year of my life. (March 25th 2009-current)
not only does my life suck oversized sheep scrotum,
but the more mature I become, the less interesting my life seems to be.
I have fewer friends. Im chubbier now, than age 16.
My hair is frizzier. my skin is more blochy. I PMS more.
(is that possible?)
Not to mention Ive been locked up in a stupid residentual facility scince August,
and have so far spent most of 2010 looking longingly
through bars out a tiny window, and feeling sorry for myself.
Then there was that faze where I became obsessed with MGMT,
and plotted for about 2 weeks, what I would say to Andrew Vanwyngargen
to make him fall inlove with my if the situation were to ever arize.
Well then I started listening to the strokes, and fell inlove with Julian Casablancas.
which was complicated because he's married now, so that would take a lot of convinsing on my part.
Being ecpecially frizzy, and blochy, I might have to rely on brainwashing.
However I will say this time incarceratted has given me much time to focus on my art, and writting.
Let me end with a quote from Howard Moon:
"This is not a dress. This is a sacred robe of the ancient psychedelic monks. "
Can you handle it?
julian casablancas,
psycadelic monks,