...and perhaps the most concise I've ever been about why archangels in
beyondtherift have about a 75% chance of skeeving me the fuck out...
3:55:30 PM magi: Archangels just tend to hit my "righteous bigoted zealot" buttons.
3:55:53 PM magi: They tend to take me back to sitting in my African-American History classes and learning about lynchings.
3:56:17 PM Jae: ...ohai thar, tears of rage. THAT WAS SUDDEN.
3:56:53 PM magi: ...and being of African-American descent, experiencing and having people in my family who have experienced racism, and knowing that what I and my family have experienced is nothing compared to people elsewhere...
3:57:04 PM Chris: Yeah. :<
3:57:05 PM Jae: *SNUGGLEMAGI* Yeah.
3:57:17 PM Jae: GOD. It hurts my heart. DX
3:57:19 PM Riley: :<
3:58:34 PM magi: BASICALLY, there are way too many parallels between archangel campaigns against demons and some of the worst parts of American history.
3:58:46 PM Jae: Yeahhh.
3:58:57 PM magi: CF This:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_riot vs. the Battle of the Main Gauche.
3:58:59 PM Riley: As someone of Jewish descent... there are way too many parallels between anti-semitism and that.
3:59:19 PM magi: Yeah.
3:59:23 PM Riley: Hate and bigotry tend to follow similar patterns.
3:59:37 PM magi: Because the archangel campaign, or at least Romana's campaign, was effectively one of genocide.
4:00:00 PM Riley: Francis heavily agrees with genocide.
4:00:28 PM magi: And the fact that regardless of status before age 16, once the demon metamorphosis occurs no demon is innocent in the eyes of angelic physiology... well, compare that to any number of religious justifications of genocide in the past.
4:01:29 PM Riley: I've always found justification of genocide interesting because it's very, very rarely the real reason.
4:02:38 PM Riley: Then again, war is the same.