Mar 06, 2007 20:34
9 Things
You Never Knew
About Lauren King
1.) One time a drunk lesbian tried to undress Lauren at a wedding.
2.) In her short 19 years of life she has ACCIDENTLY killed approximately 47+ pets, some of which weren't even hers.
3.) Lauren has never been on a plane.
4.) Lauren eats sunshine and shits daisies.
5.) Lauren is highly allergic to oats, wheat, barley, and rye in food, but WASN'T that way until October of last year.
6.) Lauren is still thoroughly afraid of the dark.
7.) Lauren's ass recently anexed Poland, heretofor she gets a lot of male attention from minorities.
8.) Lauren is pro-retro-sexual.
9.) Lauren is a champ at waking up in the middle of the night with a brilliant idea and then forgetting it on the way to the fridge and then creating an even more brilliant sandwich!