Sep 09, 2008 18:42
I am watching the new TV series Fringe or the pilot per se on one of the early broadcast American TV stations and so far so good. Right off the bat I get to see one of my favourite actors from Band of Brothers Kirk Acevedo (Joe Toye) then I get to see Lance Reddick (Cedric Daniels) from teh wire! woo hoo!
Fringe is another series from J.J. Abrams who did Alias, Lost and I believe Felicity. He may have done more but at this time that is all I recall. It revolves around a FBI agent and X-Files like thoughts and themes.
I am holding overall judgment till I watch the encore this Sunday and find a way to record the regular season premiere next Tuesday on Fox while I am at TV club. Just in case my slight fan-boy infatuation is misguided by the pilot and the prospect of seeing these actors in a show again. Although Acevedo had a small part in the pilot I hope to him gain a greater role.
I'll leave you with this one quote from 48mins in; 'Excellent! Let's make some L.S.D'.
Edited to add: saw the new bond trailer on tv. yay!