Rules: Each person tagged blogs 7 8 random facts about themselves, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog.
I was tagged by
buttercup71 and
1. Apparently I have just excluded the entire female populous of Europe from my dating future last night because I did not know that 'Paprika' is the Hungarian word for pepper. /sad panda
2. I cannot bend one of the distal inter-phalangeal joints on my hand due to an incident as a teenager.
3. I want to travel but have not left this continent.
4. I like some opera (more than the warner brothers renditions) and would like to experience more.
5. The reason I still have a truck here in the city is so I can continue to be independent. I hate having to ask for help but I am quick to lend a hand; go figure.
6. I have d.brown hair not black.
7. If I was not so adamant about having '
Ruarri' time I think I would be a dynamite cook and much smarter in general.
8. In grade eight our social studies teacher asked us to think of where we thought we would be at age 25. I figured I would be a Civil Engineer designing and constructing buildings & bridges.
I shall not tag anyone since I'm probably the last on my flist to do this.