Well, this year gets to qualify as the singularly worst CNY i've ever had. Okay, it isn't all that bad, I have
Guy Gavriel Kay to keep me company, and he's doing a pretty good job. ^^
So, the weekend is coming, and i plan to spend as much of it as possible away from home. Will be free after lunch tomorrow, and before dinner the day after. Taaalk to me, people... (Trying to keep handphone close at hand! Will reply! Really!)
The very first fantasy novel i ever read was Brook's The Black Unicorn, i finished it in a single sitting, and i was pretty much gone the rest of the day. I don't know if anyone else feels it, but after i've read for a long stretch, my brain goes numb and there's really nothing else i can do except stare at nothing and let it pass. After a bit, sometimes i jump up to grab the book and reread parts, sometimes i just need to get some sleep.
In fact, my initial foray into fantasy books was so haphazardly done that i'm surprised that i took to the genre at all. The first Pterry book i read was Interesting Times, and i didn't understand half of what was going on. (What's this strange forbidden book? Why are there so many urinating dogs all over the place?) Of the 7 Death Gate cycle books, i read the last one first, and (also) had no clue as to what was going on. I read the Hobbit in primary 3, but it was quite beyond me at that point in time, as all i remember about the book is that there was a lot of digging going on. (Ring? What ring?) It was all very sad, and it was possibly only by a stroke of very good luck that i managed to get all four first books of Feist's Riftwar series when i went to the library in search of books. (Really, what chance?) Almost as if i were subconciously trying to follow tradition, even though my brother had the entire Wheel of Time series for Jordan, i started reading at book 3 (because i thought it looked like the most interesting) until my brother happened upon me and made me grudgingly start from the beginning. (Unfortunately, none of the above has anything to do with Guy Gavriel Kay, or why i like him. I'll get round to that sometime, never fear.)(Also, i should stop using these annoying brackets, and try for proper grammatical english.)
Right. As it turned out, Jordan was a good idea, for many reasons, including distracting Nic from his O levels, getting to play my first pen and paper rpg, and actually making a new friend. (ES!) I liked the world that Jordan had created more than anything else, it was (to me) detailed and real. Kay, on the other hand, (finally! the point of this whole disjointed ramble!) has me loving the book (as far as i've gotten, that is) for the brilliant way he writes the characters, his pacing and plot. He has me holding my breath and actually tempted to skip ahead to the end of the chapter to find out what just happened. A good thing, really, considering that i'd more or less lost interest in fantasy books lately, only reading those that Nic tossed at me, and when asked at the bookshop, end up recommending books for their nice covers. (It was actually a good choice, Elizabeth Hayden actually turned out to be a pretty decent writer ^^)
Yes, that's it. End to just about an hour of typing, interspersed with soup. Reminder to all who are free and don't mind my company, contact me and it will be done.