Once you are tagged you MUST write an entry about 6 weird habits as well as odd information about you. State this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names.
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crazyakigirl. Kenny. (yes you. do it in the comments or on the squidly lj.) Kor. :)
1. I tend to refer to myself in the third person, without realising it. Like my life is a book and i am just narrating it. :)
2. I also tend to erm, talk to myself. It's an old, old habit, and i tend to freak out people who are nearby who think i am talking to them, especially since i tend to say things like "You idiot!" or " No, no, no, that's wrong."
3. When i was younger, there was a point where i felt that you could see the meaning of a word just by looking at it. That is, the word itself evoked a certain sense, like "giggle" looks whimsical, "delicious" looks sexily lickable, that kind of thing, and if i had to look at a word i didn't recognise, i would guess the meaning by the feelings it evoked. Looking back, i realise this is probably slightly odd, but at the point it made so much sense to me that it felt like i had discovered something so obvious.
4. I love making lists. I have lists for applications, restaurants, and just about anything listable in my life. I make lists for travelling, for parties, for the games i'm playing atm, or really just for the hell of it. I have a category on macjournal just for lists.
5. I'm rather messy most of the time, but before i sit down at my computer to start work, i just have to tidy up everything first. And my papers have to be neatly stacked at the corner of the table, and everything has to be at right angles. And I have to get all my stuff neatly placed within reach, before i can start work proper.
6. I'm very picky about how i photoshop. I don't just name every single layer, i also make named sets and sort the layers into sets, like on a single panel - a set for the background, a set for the concept + pictures, a set for the precedent + pictures, etc. I also create my own keyboard shortcuts in photoshop, and spend time trawling the net for nice fonts or pictures for background textures. It also drives me MAD when SOME people don't save their panels as JPEGS and convert them to 150 DPI for printing. Hello, people? it's really not that hard to remember. (your friendly scalebar operator:)