Mar 06, 2007 23:25
The alarm clock shows 630 am
Jimmy jazz starts playing
a smelly pants production
eyes open
door knock
frank gets up
Saturday morning
Opens the door
Men in Suits ask him something
He answers shaking his head
They move past him to look inside
He shrugs and lets them in
As they turn theyre backs to him he runs out the door
Cuts to frank jumping down stairs onto the street and running off down the street
Sideways camera of him running he hops over a fence
The guys in suits look out the door and see his figure turn the corner they jump into their car and pull out and speed away after him
Cuts to frank jumping over hedge running through yards he glances back and the car swerves round the corner
Cuts to frank running across the bridge with cam in front the car turns to follow him getting closer as its like ten feet away he swerves to the right and jumps over a fence into someones yard the driving cop curses and turns onto the street
Frank going through bushes and past people in their yards
He turns onto eddys street and crouches behind a bush
The guys in suits drive by looking around then leave as the song ends
Frank gets out of his hiding space and laughs as he goes to eddys door.
Eddy is asleep as frank enters the room too hot starts playing
The clock says 7 o clock
Eddy and frank have a short conversation with their mouths moving and what they say going up on blank screens
Theyre after me, man
I dunno dude but they’ve got black suits and they can drive
Lets go
Cut to them walking down the street in slow motion with baseball bats and sunglasses
All cool and stuff
They swing bats around and look mean whenever someone looks at them
A car swings round the corner slowly and frank and eddy stop walking
They car stops about thirty feet away from them
Nader and joey get out of the car in the black suits and sunglasses
Frank and eddy watch as nader and joey walk up to about three feet away.
Joey cracks his knuckles and it cuts to a view from behind joey and nader …their gang name is on the back of their suits along with the symbol
Nader pushes eddy a little
Cuts to nadirs face getting hit with a bat
Joey punches frank in the face as eddy continues attacking nader.
As the fighting continues other people show up down the street and start walking theyre all wearing pinstripe suits and the lead ganster (henry) calls out to the four guys fighting
Frank eddy joey and nader turn around and look at like ten members of a different gang
As the song ends there is a slight pasue as joey and nader exchange glances between eddy and frank all of them nod and eddy high fives nader and joe high fives frank as “peaches” by the stranglers starts playing
The four of them walk towards the big gang in slow motion frank and eddy throw theyre baseball bats aside and crack their knuckles as they pass by some random babe joey looks at her and she immediately faints with the extreme sexitude
Henry and his gang laugh a bit and point and draw their numerous weapons
The two groups meet about a foot away from each other
Joey mouths
“well you just take a look over there”
henry mouths
eddy points and mouths
as henry and his gang look off camera joey stamps on henrys foot and punches him in the face eddy punches random gang member and then frank then nader and they all start brawling in slow motion all awesome and stuff