a feel good day gone bad

Oct 08, 2004 23:54

I got to work around 7:45 this morning, homeroom ended around 8:20, at which point i began asking "is it ninth period yet?" that wasn't a good sign. on top of that, i had a throbbing headache pulsating through my temples. it wasn't a "take aspirine and you'll feel better headache." it was a menstrual headache, the kind that is immune to aspirine, forcing you to just "get through" the day, eyes half open, energy diminished to a barely glowing ember. now add about 100 middle school children to that equation.

immediately after homeroom, i headed over to shoprite to pick up a few things. Just as i was turning to go down an aisle, i nearly collided with an older gentleman, who immediately went on to exclaim that i "have beautiful lips" and i am on my way to being famous, that i could make it as a movie star if i tried. of course, i don't do well with taking compliments (especially of such a nature), so i was reduced to utter bashfulness and escaped from the situation as soon as i could.

then during one of my classes, a few kids engaged in a verbal attack on each other, calling each other "gay fags," which later resulted in one crying in a stairwell refusing to come out, and the other spending lunch with me. I can think of funner things to do during lunch than giving detention. that was one of three lunch detentions. another one was because a kid has yet to hand in a single homework assignment this year. the third was a kid that continually talks and disrupts the class -- he got to call his mom and speak to her during his detention (evil cackle).

after a few cups of hot chocolate, i made it to ninth period 6th grade chorus where, miraculously, my headache disappeared. i was half way through the rehearsal bitching to the kids about how they talk too much when i realized "wow, i really have them trained. the amount of talking they do is nothing compared to 6th graders, this is fucking awesome." now we will make progress. i'm so excited!!!!!

after chorus, i lingered in the auditorium to play some piano, relax, and clear my mind. i had a long day ahead of me, as i planned on staying late to get some work done. it was a dull three and a half hours, grading papers and photo copying music. by the time i was ready to leave, my mother called to tell me she was in the neighborhood, so she stopped by to see my classroom. she took a picture of me on her camera phone.

i'm debating about whether or not to tell the story of how weird girl became creepy girl. it's a good story. if you are curious, ask me, i'll tell you personally.

so i just saw ladder 49, and now i'm all depressed, which is a shame, because after work i got together with cdawg and barbara, and we were having such a great fun time together. it really was a great movie, but i hate crying at movies, and walking away feeling down trodden. i came home and tried to convince jeff to stop being a fire fighter, but he wouldn't listen to me. i'm putting this movie on the shelf with "City of Angels" and "Perfect Storm," never to be seen again.

well it's off to sleep i go. i'm going to connecticut tomorrow to see trevor :)

nite nite!!!
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