First post (in a long time)!

Feb 05, 2015 21:22

I'm going to try to start posting here again. It's been a long time . . .

So, uh, let me see, what's new in my life?

- My parents bought me a smartphone when I was home for the High Holy Days. I had been a bit hesitant about it, but they connived me into it. ;-)   I'm actually still not totally used to it; modern technology is supposed to be magically easy-to-use, but I haven't even figured out yet how to use italics in my e-mails. (My current theory is that maybe the Gmail app doesn't support that, but that just seems so implausible . . .) But it's still very cool. Plus, typing in other languages, especially Hebrew, is much easier on the phone than on my computer, which is a perk that would never have occurred to me.

- I crossed the two-year mark at work, which means (among other things) that I can now quit without having to pay Amazon back for my move out here. Oh, and that I've now been here longer than almost anyone else on the team.

- Sometime during the summer, I realized that I had gained about twenty pounds since moving here. I've since managed to re-lose almost all of it, though. *whew*

- My sister and her family have bought a house. They are no longer walking distance. (I almost wrote, "no longer walking distance from me", but no - out in unincorporated boonies, "from what" doesn't enter into it. They aren't walking distance, period.)

- I'm currently reading Ceremony, by Leslie Marmon Silko. We were supposed to read it in second-year ATYP English, when I was in ninth grade, but I, uh, did not make it all the way through.

- Ever since starting at Amazon, I've gotten a steady flow of LinkedIn messages from recruiters. It's a bit funny when, even though my profile has no information about what I actually do at Amazon, they say things like (to quote from one yesterday), "your experience at Amazon is extremely relevant to what our API team is doing here at Netflix". Not that I really expected recruiters to take the time to personalize their spam. :-)

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