So this is another I MADE THIS THING THAT WAS AWESOME post
I made chocolate milk ~ I know that doesn't sound that exciting but for me it is: I made it from basmati rice...
Thats rice in there :)
I have been making my own rice milk for the past couple of weeks trying to gethe right consistency with what I remember milk to be. Kevin provides insight as he still can drink the stuff - but I got bored of plain ol milk, I wanted something to drink with cookies and to try and entice Kev to drink the rice milk so I added CHOCOALTE! well, premium cocoa that is...
big pot
2 cups basmati rice
4 cups water
let these sit for at least 2 hours
add the rice and water pot to the stove and bring to a boil then bring back down to a simmer for another 2 hours (or until the rice is nicely overcooked and slight mushy.
Add 2 more cups of water or more (your desire of thickness goes here) to a blender. Blend on puree - adding teaspoon of vanilla, tablespoon of cocoa and honey (I used manuka as its better for you and already caramelly in flavour to help the cocoa).
The basmati experiment was hilarious! out of 2 cups I got a pitcher of chocolate milk, a pitcher of thick plain milk and enough to try to make rice milk ice cream ~ in the end, I have learned basmati rice is REALLY FLUFFY but I chose it because its fragrant and sweet on its own unlike brown rice. But it is so friggin fluffy you have to really play with the water addition and I may have to add a tablespoon of "fat" to the chocolate milk as Kevin loved the taste but the texture was too fluffy for him; not silky enough. Well since milk is a dary protein and all fat I guess I have to add some fat in like peanut butter or an oil of sort to try and weigh it down. But for now this mixture is mine to drink :)
from that 2 cups this milk will last me probably a month or so for cereal and casual drinking.... man I love making stuff!