Jan 28, 2004 08:07
Exotic Foreigner Alias: Cinnamon Toronto
(Favorite Spice + Last Foreign Vacation Spot)
Socialite Alias: Flimsy Norwich
(Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You First Partied)
"Fly Girl" Alias (a la J. Lo): L. Fo
(First Initial + First Two or Three Letters of your Last Name)
Diva Alias: Lip Gloss Expired Milk
(Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid in Kitchen)
Girl Detective Alias: Kitten Penta
(Favorite Baby Animal + Where You Last Went to School)
Barfly Alias: Popcorn Creme De Menthe
(Last Snack Food You Ate + Your Favorite Drink)
Soap Opera Alias: Ann Yawberg
(Middle Name + Street Where You First Lived)
Pornstar Name: Goosie Yawberg
(First Pet's Name + Street You Grew Up On)
Rock Star Alias: Scotch Baker
(Any Liquid on the Bar + Last Name of Bad-Ass Celebrity)