Sep 30, 2003 00:20
Its been a Ghost World day, an instruction manual on How to Disappear Completely. I've made my last exit from reality and swallowed the key. Worthless no longer becomes your remark. Frozen in time and I can't help but be detached. You won't follow this daydream. It only exists if I open my eyes. Here is your sanction, my final admission. That so repelling was the only option, should we be so enticed. I'm in search of the voice that will open all the answers inside. I'm wishing my body would fall down, along with my mind.
Things are taken so easily from us. Our own thoughts directed against us. If you haven't said it yet, you've said it just now. That easily. That backwards. At least now I've spoken it so clearly, written it in crayon. If it didn't make your day, it made mine for saying it first.
"I will grow my own branch of this tree."