Миссия Kepler, как известно, закончилась по причине поломок, но миссия Planet Hunters продолжает работу, о чем мне сегодня напомнили письмом
Dear Planet Hunters,
A note to update you on the latest news from
planethunters.org. At the end of May, the Kepler spacecraft suffered a mechanical failure that has potentially ended its exoplanet hunting days. While the Kepler mission may be over, our work has just begun. Planet Hunters has barely scratched the surface, and there are nearly 2 years of Kepler observations yet to be searched on the site. Who knows how many more worlds are left to discover! Help us with the search for planets today at
planethunters.org The science team is working harder than ever on analyzing your classifications and characterizing and verifying new potential planet candidates and eclipsing binaries. On Friday, with any luck we'll be observing some of the project's top planet candidates with adaptive optics imaging on the Keck II telescope on Mauna Kea. In addition, we have 6 undergraduate students joining the team at Yale University this summer to work on Planet Hunters related projects. We'll continue to update you on the science team's progress over the coming months on the
Thanks again for your help - and keep clicking!,
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