Tijani Tariqah с
Ahmad Muhammad13 ч ·
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said of her, " she is a human houri. " Her being a houri was due to the fact that she was not created from the specks of dust transmitted from the body of Adam to the rest of his offspring. The seed that created her was formed from the mysteries and secrets of the garden, from which Allah created Houris..This resulted in the perfection of her purity, for she was untouched by (some of) the conditions of human nature that other women experience. So she became a human houri, and she attained to the highest degree in the presence of the Real, above which there is no degree except Prophethood. So it must be clear to you that Fatimah Radiyallaahu anha is more excellent than all excellent women..
Shaykh Ahmad Tijani Radiyallaahu anhu