
Mar 25, 2012 15:16

You say "Oh no!"
I say "hello,
My little puny child"

Tonight i'm here,
Tonight i mere,
Tonight i will be mild.

We met last year,
You was so near,
I think you still remember.

But something forced me
That creepy cold december.

And now we met,
I'll make a bet,
That i can see your future.

Don't be so scared,
Just get prepared,
And i'll rip off your suture!

I'll send you beast,
Who been released.
I hope you understand.

He'll give you thing
That make you think
You are in wonderland.

You little child,
Will going wild,
I know - i've been the one.

And then you grow,
And then you flow,
And then you will be gone.

философская лирика, мистика и эзотерика, стихи на иностранных языках

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