Thank God for Old Pervy Cupids

Jul 14, 2009 21:37

Title: Thank God for Old Pervy Cupids
Author: Ru_salki99
Rating: NC 17
Pairing: Chuck/Casey
Disclaimer: Chuck belongs to WB/NBC
Author's Notes: Fic no. 5 for the chuck_slash icon ficathon.
Summary: Chuck and Casey get given a mission that ends up in their true feelings being revealed... and in Chuck's case, more flesh than he's strictly comfortable with too.

My Prompt:

by sixfiveohsex

“The Businessman Ted Rogers is having his birthday party tonight,” the General told them, “We believe that he has invited his business associates from … What kind of business associates they are, we aren’t entirely sure, but they are believed to have their hands on some vital military intelligence. Chuck and Casey will go and see what intel they can gather from the ground. Agent Walker, you will stay in the Castle and process any information relayed back to you.”

Chuck looked at Casey and Sarah. It was rather unusual for Sarah to be the one left behind. Usually it was either him or Casey. He wondered why things had changed now.

“The party starts at seven,” The General continued, “I will have the costumes delivered to the Major’s accommodation.”

And with that, she signed off.

“Costumes?” Chuck asked.

Casey shrugged, “Must be fancy dress,” he said, “Don’t worry, I’m sure she’s arranged something decent for us.”

A couple of hours later, Chuck made his way over to Casey’s so he could get ready for the mission. When he walked through the door it was to find Casey frowning at their costumes, as if trying to set them on fire with the power of his mind.

“Those are the costumes?” Chuck asked, freezing in terror.

“Yup,” Casey said, not taking his eyes off them.

“Thought you said she would arrange something decent?”

“Looks like I was wrong.”

Chuck was silent for a moment as he stared at them some more, “We really have to wear that?”

Casey sighed, his eyes falling closed, “Yeah. We do,” he told him before picking up Chuck’s costume and handing it to him.

Chuck looked down at it, noting that it was rather short. In fact, he was pretty sure the term ‘hot pants’ applied here. He so didn’t want to wear this.

“You can get changed in the spare room,” Casey told him as he grabbed his own costume, and made his way up to his room.

Realising that he could protest about this as much as he’d like, but would still have to do it, Chuck followed him up the stairs and headed into the spare room, which was really just a room full of boxes of random equipment. It’s also where Casey kept all of his disguises and so there was a large full length mirror in there, which Chuck could’ve really done without as he didn’t actually want to see himself.

Folding up his clothes, he left them sitting on top of a box of un-activated bugs. He then took his costume out of its bag and began to pull it on.

The shorts were awfully constricting. He was sure that if he wore it for too long he would lose all sensation down there. Not to mention that with the tightness it revealed a lot more of him than he was strictly comfortable with. But it could’ve been worse. He could’ve had to put on tights with it. As it was, it was just shorts. He wondered if Casey had tights with his.

When he finally managed to pull the tight red top with attached cape on before he looked at himself in the mirror. He looked ridiculous. More ridiculous than he had ever looked in his life. But there was no way he was going to get out of this. Not unless he was mortally wounded… there was an idea. Perhaps he would ask Casey to shoot him. He was sure he’d gladly oblige.

Sitting down on the edge of one of the crates, he pulled on the shiny red boots and face mask. The General really did owe him. Maybe he’d get a nice big beefy cheque for his troubles, or better still, she’d call before they left and tell them that the mission was cancelled.

“Come on Bartowski,” Casey said as he banged on the door, “The sooner we get this over with the better.”

Chuck grabbed his clothes and stepped out of the bedroom, freezing at the sight of Casey who was stood before him. He was more or less wearing biker clothes, tight leather pants, big black boots and a sleeveless black shirt with metal studs around the hem, showing just how large his muscles were. The t-shirt also had a cape attached to the back and a big yellow symbol on the front. And the mask he wore not only almost completely covered his head, only his mouth and lower jaw on show, but had huge pointy ears too.

“Oh come on!” Chuck protested, “How come your costume is way more macho than mine?”

Casey looked him up and down, “Cause I am way more macho than you.”

Chuck frowned at him, which wasn’t really affective as the mask hid it.

“Dump your shit in my room just now,” Casey told him, “And let’s try and get out of here without the neighbours seeing.”

Chuck nodded, pushing into Casey’s bedroom and placing his clothes on the bed. He hadn’t actually been in here before and so couldn’t help but take a quick look around. It was actually a very nice bedroom, a bit plain with no pictures on the walls or personal touches, which to be honest, was a bit expected, but the light colour of the walls was made to feel slightly warmer by the deep red bed sheets and dark furniture.

“Move it,” Casey said from the hall.

“Right,” Chuck said with a jump, turning and following him out of the room.

As they made their way down the stairs, Chuck felt the shorts ride up the crack of his ass. Great. If they were going to be doing that all night then it was certainly going to be the longest mission ever. He had only been in his costume for five minutes and he was already counting the seconds until he could take it off again.

However, as he and Casey came to a halt at the bottom of the stairs, he wished for nothing more than to die.

Sarah was stood there and she had wasted no time in taking a photograph of them.

“What are you doing?” Chuck asked.

“I just want to have something to remind me of this moment,” she told them both with glee.

“Ignore her Chuck,” Casey said as he walked over to his gun rack and started to pick up his weapon, “She can’t show it to anyone. It’ll blow out cover,” he added smugly. Although, it was rather difficult to take him seriously with the mask and the cape on.

“Here,” Sarah said as she pulled a small envelope out of her bag and handed it to Casey, “Your invites.”

Casey took them out of the envelope and glanced at them before handing them to Chuck, “You hold onto these,” he said.

Chuck took them then looked down at himself, “And put them where?”

Casey and Sarah both laughed at him, but neither gave a suggestion. Chuck took the invites out to have a look at them himself, immediately flashing on the symbol on the top left hand corner. When he came out of it, he wasn’t surprised to find both Casey and Sarah staring at him expectantly.

“He’s gay!” he said.

“What?” Casey asked.

“Ted Rogers, he’s gay, his associates are gay and he’s having a big gay birthday party with gay costumes… oh my God!”

Chuck and Casey looked at each other, realisation dawning on them both while Sarah burst out laughing.

“Did Beckman tell you this?” Casey asked her.

“No. I did some research earlier. Something I’m sure she expected you both to do yourselves. Yes he’s gay and has a lot of gay contacts, but not everyone going there will be gay too. So calm down.”

“Sarah. Look at us,” Chuck said, “We’re dressed as Batman and Robin. Could we look anymore like a gay couple to you?”

Sarah looked between the two of them, “Well… you could be holding hands.”

Casey grunted at her, “Come on,” he said as he started to walk towards the kitchen, “We’re going out the back way.”

Chuck scowled at Sarah before quickly following Casey, while she made her way out the front. They met up again at the cars. They would be borrowing her car for the evening as a Crown Victoria and a Nerd Herder wasn’t exactly something you took to a sophisticated party, where as Sarah’s Audi, was.

“Here are your ear pieces,” she said, “I’ll be back at the Castle in ten where I’ll activate them.”

“Sure,” Casey said, pulling up his mask to fit his in underneath it while Chuck pushed his own in.

“See you later,” she added before going over to take Chuck’s car with her.


“Okay boys,” Sarah said into their ears, “Showtime.”

“Shut it Walker,” Casey growled.

“Yeah, shut it Sarah,” Chuck told her, getting a bit bored of her teasing. It had been constant since she had activated their communication devices twenty minutes ago.

Sarah just chuckled down their ears, making them both scowl. However as they pulled up to the valet, they both plastered huge grins on their faces and stepped out.

Chuck waited for Casey to hand his keys to the valet before allowing him to take hold of his hand.

It was something that they had discussed in the car, before Sarah had joined them, and decided that just dressing gay wasn’t going to do the trick that they would at least have to act the part a little. And so hand holding, something that both of them were sure they could handle, was agreed upon. They also said that if need be they would kiss each other (they’d done it before after all… even if it had been life or death situation) but they doubted that it would be one of those parties.

Chuck let Casey lead the way inside, handing over the invites to him as they reached the entrance. The doorman took their invites from them and smiled, “Welcome, Mr Wayne, Mr Grayson.”

Casey smiled at him, trying to show that he found his joke humorous, while Chuck blushed and gripped on a bit tighter to Casey’s hand. He hadn’t like the way he’d smiled at him. The word ‘repulsive’ came to mind.

“Calm down,” Casey said to him, “He’s just admiring your shorts… or lack of them.”

“Oh come on. He was totally skeezing on us,” Chuck hissed at him.


“That doesn’t bother you at all?”

Casey shrugged, “Guys skeeze on me all the time,” he told him before leading him into the main hall so they could get some alcohol down their gut.

“You guys see anything?” Sarah asked them.

Chuck and Casey both glanced around the hall, “Just our esteemed host and his partner,” Casey said.

“No flashes yet,” Chuck said, “Well, none of the Intersect kind,” he said as he pointed over to the other side of the hall.

Casey followed his hand and couldn’t help but laugh. At the other side of the dance floor were two mature, overweight men dressed as cherubs. It was rather unsightly and he could understand why Chuck felt nauseas at the sight, but he’d seen worse in his time and so it didn’t faze him in the least.

“Come on then Dick,” Casey said to him, tugging on his hand, “Bar’s this way.”

Chuck followed him closely as they made their way through the crowd, trying his best to get a good look at all the faces. The intersect wasn’t coming up with anything though. Of course it didn’t help that half of the people here were wearing masks.

“How the hell are we supposed to find out anything in this crowd?” Chuck asked both Casey and Sarah, “There’s no way I can recognise anyone.”

“Mingle,” Sarah said, making both Chuck and Casey groan.

Mingling enough to get the information the required meant taking their time. And both of them had hoped to be back home and out of their costumes within the hour. Casey handed Chuck his drink before taking a large gulp of his own.

“Fine,” he said, “I’ll take that side, you take the other.”

“What?” Chuck asked, “How come I get the old pervy cupids?”

“Chuck,” Casey warned him.

“Fine,” Chuck said with a pout, but before he could step away, Casey pulled him to him and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Chuck stared at him in surprise, but Casey just smiled at him before pushing him in the direction of said pervy cupids and made his way round to the other side.

Chuck hated small talk at the best of times, never mind at social events. Luckily Casey had ordered him a double and so he soon began to relax a little, or at least enough to work up the courage to talk to complete strangers.

The first couple of groups of people he spoke to he got nothing from them. They were all very legitimate business folk or at least, there was nothing in the Intersect about them. It wasn’t until Casey came up to him, handing him another drink that things started to get interesting.

“Oh aren’t you two just the cutest.”

Chuck and Casey turned to see the pervy cupids standing in front of them.

“Don’t they just remind you of us when we were that age David?” one of them said.

“Well, only taller,” David said, winking at them both.

“We’re David and Paul Lowell-Thomson,” Paul told them, holding out his hand to shake theirs.

At hearing their names, Chuck immediately began to flash. He held on tight to Casey’s arm until it passed. He was aware of Casey looking at him with some concern, but he ignored it instead holding out his hand, “Charles Carmichael,” he said, “And this is my partner John Casey.”

“Pleasure,” Casey said, slapping on a huge fake smile. He glanced at Chuck who just continued to smile at him, but squeezed his elbow, letting him know that he had indeed flashed.

As they started to make small talk with them, Sarah had looked their names up in the data base and relayed all the information back to them, letting Casey in on what Chuck already knew. They were indeed business men who owned a legitimate accountancy business, they also had connections to environmental activists groups. Which would explain why Rogers would give them information about the military, or to be precise, their nuclear bases.


The four of them looked round to see the waiter standing there with a tray full of little food stuff. Casey was about to reach out and take one when Chuck grabbed his hand.

“What exactly are those?” he asked.

“Crab wonton sir,” the waiter said.

“Oh no thanks,” he told him, pushing Casey’s hand down, “We’re vegetarian.”

Casey looked at Chuck in confusion before remembering that they were talking to environmentalists, “Do you have anything else?”

The waiter waved at one of his colleagues, “Sautéed asparagus?” he offered.

Chuck and Casey both smiled their thanks and helped themselves, as did David and Paul.

“Oh Paul honey look,” David said, “There’s Frannie. What on earth is she wearing?”

“Looks like some sort of plant… what is she supposed to be a vine or something?”

“More like a fungal infection… gentlemen, will you excuse us?” David asked, “Here, Paulie give them our business card.”

Paul routed through the little bag he had with him and gave Casey their card.

“Give us a call and we’ll do lunch,” he said, “There are some things we would love to talk to you about.”

“Sure,” Casey said with a nod.

“Oh wait,” David said as they made to leave, “Camera.”

“Oh that’s right,” Paul said, taking out a camera, “You see, we always take pictures for our new friends, especially when they’re as cute as you two,” he added, gesturing for Chuck and Casey to stand closer together.

Deciding to just get it over with, both of them wrapped their arms around each other’s waists and smiled.

“Oh I think we can do better than that,” Paul told them.

Chuck and Casey looked at each other, realising what these two were asking for. They’d probably go home and jack each other off to it later, but it was easier just to do it than refuse as that would surely lead to some uncomfortable questions.

Turning to each other, Chuck rested his hands on Casey’s arms, Casey’s going to his waist and then they were leaning in to kiss each other.

Chuck had tilted his head to the side, stopping his mask from bumping off of Casey’s, while Casey lowered his head, pushing his mouth against Chuck’s firmly. They knew they couldn’t keep it completely chaste and so when Chuck felt Casey’s tongue sweep over his lips, he opened his mouth wide, allowing him entry and slipping his tongue over his own.

It was the strangest sensation Chuck had ever felt. He had always imagined that Casey would be rough and demanding when he kissed someone, at least, that’s how it looked when he had kissed Ilsa. But this. This was anything but. As his tongue explored his mouth, flicking over his own, his lips lightly pressed to his own and his hands holding him firmly yet soft at the same time, he couldn’t get over just how gentle he was being, so much so that he felt himself going slightly weak at the knees and clung to him tighter.

Both of them were very much allowing themselves to get lost in the kiss. It wasn’t until the sound of a picture being taking and a bright flash penetrated through their eyelids that they pulled apart.

“I knew you had it in you,” David said with a grin.

“Uh, yeah,” Chuck said with a nod, turning to face them but keeping an arm on Casey’s shoulder, which was just fine as Casey had his arm wrapped around his waist.

“Guys, did I just hear a kiss?” Sarah asked, but both ignored her, instead paying attention to the men in front of them.

“Here you go then,” Paul said as he handed them a still blank polaroid, “Enjoy your evening.”

“Thanks,” Casey said as he took the photograph. Both he and Chuck looked down at it, their own figures only just starting to become visible, “Come on,” Casey said as he dropped his hand, “Let’s go say happy birthday to Rogers then get out of here.”

“Right,” Chuck said, not letting go of Casey as he was directed towards the birthday boy.


It actually turned out that going to wish the Birthday Boy a happy birthday had been a great idea. He’d been standing talking with his sister at the time and Chuck had flashed on her. Big time. Turned out that she was a known environmental terrorist. Had been arrested a number of times for illegal demonstrations and attacks on GM crops and the like. After speaking with her, it seemed that there was going to be some sort of ‘protest’ at the launch of the new nuclear submarine in two weeks time. A protest that was likely to escalate and cause people to get hurt.

As they had been leaving (continuing to hold onto each other’s hands) Chuck had passed on everything he’d seen to Sarah who added it to what she already had. She was to send the information to the General and then go over to Casey’s where the three of them would be debriefed.

Chuck and Casey got back first with the drive home being more than a little awkward. Chuck couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss and the feel of Casey’s strong arms under his hands. And from the way Casey kept glancing at him, it seemed that he was having similar thoughts.

When they got back to the apartments, they went in the back way so as to avoid anyone seeing them, although Chuck was sure that Mrs Harrison caught a glimpse of them as she made her way home from walking her dog and so grabbed Casey’s hand and rushed them into the house and out of sight.

Once safely inside, he followed Casey up the stairs where they could both get changed. Casey wasn’t in such a hurry, but Chuck was desperate to get his tight and constricting costume off. When he stepped into Casey’s bedroom, Casey was pulling his mask off, leaving his hair looking all mussed up and kinda adorable. But Chuck ignored that thought as best he could as he took off his own mask and cape before attempting to pull did his top up and over his head. But he couldn’t. It got stuck.

“Urgh, Casey?!” he called through the shirt fabric, “A little help?”

Casey turned to look at him, struggling with his shirt. Rolling his eyes he stepped over to him and gripped the edges of it and began to pull upwards, “How the hell did you get into this mess?” he asked as he tugged hard on it.

“I don’t know,” Chuck mumbled, pulling back and trying desperately to get it off.

Casey gritted his teeth and gave one last hard pull.

He pulled so hard that not only did the top come flying off, but he pulled Chuck off his feet, sending them both flying backwards until he landed on his back on the floor with Chuck lying on top of him.

“Oh God Casey!” Chuck said as he struggled to push himself up, “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine Chuck,” Casey said as he looked up at him, his eyes shining with humour and mischief and a little of something else.

Chuck looked back down at him, meeting his gaze with his own and realised that Casey’s hands were sitting firmly on his waist. It was then that he knew what that ‘something else’ in his eyes was, and he was damned if he wasn’t feeling it himself. Letting his eyes fall down to Casey’s mouth, the need to kiss him again almost overwhelming him before he looked back up at his lust filled eyes.

“We should move,” he said quietly.

Casey nodded, “Walker will be here soon.”

But neither of them moved, instead continuing to stare at each other. Until finally, as one, they pushed together, their lips meeting in a rough kiss.

Casey wrapped his arms around Chuck tight, running his fingers over the smooth skin of his back while Chuck thread his fingers through Casey’s hair and moaning into the kiss as Casey bucked up against him.

Feeling each other’s arousal, they both knew this was only going to lead one place, and neither could get their quick enough.

Casey rolled Chuck over onto his back and broke free from the kiss, licking his way down his chest to tease at his nipples instead. As he did that, Chuck gripped his t-shirt and pulled it up and over his head, leaving him just as topless and allowing Chuck to run his fingers through the thick hair on his chest.

Leaning up, Casey kissed him once more before reaching up to pull open the drawer of his bedside table. However, he pulled it a little too hard spilling its contents all over the floor.

Chuck turned his head and wasn’t at all surprised to see a gun, some bullets, a knife, and some lube on the floor. He wasn’t even surprised at the handcuffs (although why he needed them in his bedroom was a question he’d have to save for later) but he was slightly surprised at the leather bound journal.

However, he never got much of a chance to make note of it as Casey pulled him back into another rough kiss before pushing him over until he was lying on his stomach.

As Chuck felt Casey tugging at his shorts, he quickly helped him, scrabbling to get them off his hips as fast as he could. While he did that, Casey reached up and grabbed a pillow from the bed, pushing it under his hips so that his ass was sticking right up in the air.

He shivered when he felt Casey’s strong, calloused hand stroke over his cheeks, a finger disappearing between them to tease his opening.

“Casey,” he panted looking up at him.

Casey looked up from his ass to Chuck’s ass and realised what he was trying to say. They didn’t have time for exploration right now. Later maybe, but not now. And so quick as a flash, he unbuckled his pants, pushed them off his hips, lubed himself and Chuck up and then pushed deep inside him.

Chuck groaned loudly as Casey pushed all the way inside him, stretching him impossibly wide. He squeezed his cock tight, welcoming its presence and making Casey groan in reply. Once he was sat as deep inside him as he would go, Casey paused for a moment, letting him get used to the feel of him before he pulled back slowly and slammed back in.

Chuck gasped, Casey hitting off his prostate straight away. And then he did it again, and again and again. He kept doing it until Chuck was completely at his mercy. Chuck tried to push back, to meet every one of his thrusts, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t even say any kind of coherent words other than ‘Fuck!’ and ‘God!’ which only seemed to encourage Casey.

He had been balancing on his hands, either side of Chuck’s shoulders, watching himself as he moved in and out of him. But eventually his arms got tired and he pulled Chuck up onto his knees and positioned himself behind him where he could continue pumping in and out of him with just as much vigour. He gripped on tight to Chuck’s hips, pulling him back onto him and listening to his pleasured moans before reaching around and taking his swollen cock into his hand.

As he began to stroke him, Chuck lost all ability to hold himself up and his face fell to the floor. But Casey didn’t seem to mind, continuing with what he’d been doing until Chuck’s body was shuddering in climax and he spilled his seed all over Casey’s hand. It seemed that, that was all the incentive Casey needed as his thrusts became more erratic and rushed until he finally stilled, balls deep inside of Chuck.


“Congratualtions,” Beckman said, “You managed to find out more information on this particular group in one night than anyone else has been able to in a year.”

“Aw shucks. Thanks General,” Chuck said, unable to hide his huge grin.

He and Casey had only just managed to clean themselves up and get dressed before Sarah had arrived. She of course looked at them a little weirdly, but she couldn’t have known what they had just done. Not unless she went up and poked her head round Casey’s bedroom door. It was a complete mess and stunk of sex, but other than that, nothing was untoward. He couldn’t believe he and Casey had managed to get away with fucking each other like rabid animals not ten minutes ago. And no one knew… made him want to do it again. Well actually, the mind blowing orgasm and massive cock up his ass made him want to do it again. But still.

“Will you be wanting us to carry on with the investigation?” Sarah asked.

“No. It’s too dangerous for Chuck. We can’t risk his safety on this one. I’ll be sending in another team to deal with it. Casey I will send you their details in the morning so that you can keep an eye on them while they are in L.A. From a distance of course.”

“Of course,” Casey nodded, he too smiling slightly.

“Be ready for briefing at 0730 hours,” the General told them, “Oh and you can keep the costumes.”

When she signed off, Casey handed Sarah her car keys.

“I’ll see you at the Castle in the morning then,” she said.

“Yup,” Casey nodded as he walked her to the door.

“Oh and Chuck,” she said just before opening the door.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“You have a carpet burn on your chin.”


chuck/casey, chuck, fanfic

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