Шахматы доктора Кузьменко

Mar 05, 2014 16:22

Фотографии шахмат ГУЛАГа, сделанных из хлебного мякиша. Блог Iplayoochess Момира Радовича (Momir Radović), Атланта, США.

Chess set made of bread crumbs by labor camp prisoners. Vorkuta Museum

(крупным планом)

Ostap Vishnya bread-made chess set of the Ukranian writer Pavlo Gubenko who served in Ukhtinsko-Pechorsky labor camp 1933-1943


Prisoners in forced labor camps, as well as in other “corrective” institutions, have always been playing chess fondly. There are all types of people playing chess as you know: young and old, kings and beggars, 1% and 99%, good and bad, saints and sinners, labor camp convicts and their guards.

What kind of chessmen have Russian Gulag inmates used? Typically ones made of bread crumbs. Put in their mouths to moisten first, then molded and shaped. To chess-season up their miserable Gulag lives. To show us extraordinary examples of human courage and endurance.

Здесь же - рассказ Шаламова "Шахматы доктора Кузьменко" на русском и его изложение на английском.

Варлам Шаламов, спорт, "Колымские рассказы", концентрационные лагеря, быт

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