Сегодняшние интересные публикации по теме драгоценных металлов

Mar 05, 2018 21:35

LBMA сегодня выложила новый номер журнала Alchemist 88 (PDF): Alchemist 88 February 2018


•  Silver Linings? By Dr Jonathan Butler. Page 4
  •  Bullish on Gold, the Shares or the Metal? By Michael Bedford. Page 6
  •  Monetary Policy in an era of Political Uncertainty. By Jagjit Chadha. Page 9
  •  Winners of the 2017 Precious. Metals Forecast Survey. By Aelred Connelly. Page 12
  •  Lights, Camera, Action at Argor-Heraeus Refinery. By Aelred Connelly. Page 18
  •  Responsible Sourcing. By Xavier Miserez. Page 20
  •  Three Years on - the LBMA Gold and Silver Price Auctions Today. By Matthew Glenville. Page 23
  •  LBMA News. By Ruth Crowell. Page 28
  •  Regulation Update. By Sakhila Mirza and Rachel Hart. Page 32
  •  Facing Facts. By Dante Aranda. Page 34

The Silver Institute сегодня опубликовал очередной обзор за февраль (PDF): 2018 Silver News February Edition


•  Overcoming The Threat Of Antimicrobial Resistance To Silver
  •  Silver Market Trends for 2018
  •  Silver’s Role in ‘E-Skin’ Development Continues
  •  Silver Diamine Fluoride Gets OK From Pediatric Dentistry Group
  •  Two Scientists Receive Awards for Work With Nanosilver
  •  U.S. Tariff on Imported Solar Cells Imposed
  •  New Medical Electrodes Use Silicone and Silver
  •  Fixes Drawbacks of Conventional Devices
  •  ‘Yam Cake’ and Silver Help Promote Wound Healing

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