... Идут по Украине солдаты группы "Центр"

Jun 07, 2014 18:11

(для привлечения внимания)
On 15-18 May 1654 three Muscovite army groups invaded Lithuania. V. P. Sheremetev’s Army Group North, about 15,000 men out of Novgorod, Pskov, and Velikie Luki, marched against Nevel’, Polotsk, and Vitebsk; A. N. Trubetskoi’s Army Group South, another 15,000 troops out of Briansk, advanced towards Mstislavl’, Orsha, and Smolensk. The largest force, the 41,000-man Army Group Center, marching from Moscow against Dorogobuzh and Smolensk, consisted of Great, Vanguard, and Rear Guard corps under Ia. K. Cherkasskii, N. I. Odoevskii, and M. M. Temkin-Rostovskii and the elite Tsar’s Corps under the personal command of Tsar Aleksei. Foreign formation cavalry and infantry comprised a large proportion of these forces, particularly in the Tsar’s Corps, and Tsar Aleksei even had a regiment of Polish-model hussar lancers. The artillery taken into Lithuania reportedly exceeded 4,000 guns. Jakob Kettler, Duke of Courland, observed, “No one has such an army.”

Warfare, State and Society on the Black Sea Steppe, 1500-1700.
Brian Davies.

г) Литература, 4) Какая-то другая ягода

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