Вот такой вот дабл пенетрейшн, на первый взгляд. На самом деле, всё несколько сложнее:
militaryarms Well crap. So subsonic .300BLK rounds don’t feed well from my standard PMAG 30 round mags much past 17 rounds loaded. It’s the bullet ogive of the 220gr subsonic round that causes stacking and thus feeding issues in the 30 rounders. So I grabbed some @lancersystems “300” mags made just for the .300BLK, but with supers I find these have stacking thus feeding issues as pictured. The rounds nose dive into the mag’s polymer body and poke holes in it and obviously cause malfunctions. Argh. These mags caused my Rattler to malfunction for the first time. That seriously sucks. So, back to PMAG 20 round mags that seem to work 100%. @cameraman.mac is going to see if he has any luck with them out of his .300BLK AR. It seems to be a mag problem though.
Источник. Ннннна!
Как я понял, 30-ки по крайней мере с этими сабсониками от .300БЛК работают примерно никак, если снаряжать их более, чем наполовину. 20-местные магазины работают хорошо. И да, речь именно про ПМАГи.