Гл. прокурор Вирджинии постановил, что использование е-сиг в общественных местах не является нарушением запретов на курение в общ. местах. В своём решении прокурор заключает что пар от е-сиг не есть то же самое что сигаретный дым, поэтому е-курение не есть нарушение запретов, как это определенно законами штата:
Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has ruled that battery-operated cigarettes known as e-cigarettes do not violate the state's smoking ban.
Yes, battery-operated cigarettes. The devices have apparently been around for the last few years, marketed as a nicotine delivery system that doesn't cause second-hand smoke. They work by simulating the feeling of smoking providing inhaled doses of nicotine in a vaporized solution.
In his opinion, Cuccinelli writes that the heated vapor produced by e-cigarettes does not constitute "smoke" as the word is "commonly understood" and therefore the devices don't violate Virginia's ban on smoking in restaurants or other public places. (The smoking ban prohibits "the carrying or holding of any lighted pipe, cigar, or cigarette of any kind, or any other lighted smoking equipment, or the lighting, inhaling, or exhaling of smoke from a pipe, cigar, or cigarette of any kind.")
"An e-cigarette does not function in manner of a traditional cigarette because it functions electrically rather than via combustion of a material such as tobacco. Therefore, the vapor emitted by an e-cigarette would not fall within the definition of 'smoke' or 'smoking' in [the state law]," he wrote.
В ответ, Американское Общество по борьбе с Раком (догадайтесь - кто их спонсирует) заявляет, что е-сиги были придуманы как средство для обхода законов на курение в общ. местах и нарушает "дух запретов на курение в общ. местах" и их разрешение повернёт вспять все их усилия по созданию рабочих мест и прострастранств, свободных от сигаретного дыма:
But the American Cancer Society does not agree. The group has been pushing the Federal Drug Administration to regulate e-cigarettes. A spokesman said it believes the devices were created to get around smoking bans and violate the spirit of smoking bans.
"Allowing them would really be turning back the clock on what we're trying to do in Virginia to create smoke-free workplaces and environments that promote health," said American Cancer Society spokesman Keenan Caldwell.