Про бокеметр

Apr 04, 2012 10:04

So, I was looking through the dusty old camera gear at a recent abandoned storage auction, and came across a taped up box labeled «Assorted Nik Stuff - M. Johnston.» Feeling lucky, I bought the whole box for $10, in hopes of finding a gem or two. Sure enough, in with the old lens caps and dry-rotted leather camera straps, was one of the very sought-after early vintage Nikon bokemeters. This looks like one of the hand-made ones built in Japan for the US market - one of the ones that actually reads +/- 50 micro-B. But I can’t be sure on the scale without reading the manual. So, if anyone knows where I can track one down, that would be great. As you can see, this has been pretty well cared for, and the F-mount hardly has any corrosion.

When I mount an original Nikkor-Q 135mm prime, I’m getting a perfectly neutral reading on the meter, which is similar to my experience with that lens. Fairly nice background blur, but still some funky highlight artifacts when it’s wide open.So, it makes sense that it’s a wash, and meters out at zero.

On a hunch, I tried a more recent vintage Sigma 50/1.4, which is well known for its creamy, hypnotic blur and the ability to make any pet portrait look perfect. Sure enough, the bokemeter came back with almost exactly 40 mB, which seems really accurate to me. So, you can imagine I’m excited to have this rare and powerful tool, and I’ll never go lens shopping again without it. But if anyone’s got some documentation, that would be great. And if you have any info on who «M. Johnston» is, be sure to thank him for passing this treasure along.

Источник наслаждения

Об чём вкратце говорит иностранец? На барахолке случилось ему прикупить за десяток полновесных долларов чудо-ящик с разными никоническими фотопричиндалами, среди которых оказался и винтажный бокеметр, по всей видимости изготовленный в Японии для поставки в США. Обычный никонический байонет сохранился прилично, потому счастливый обладатель немедленно приступил к тестированию фотообъективов на это самое боке, измеряемое, по всей видимости в micro-B. Результаты тестирования достоверно истолковать трудно, потому как инструкции по применению бокеметра в распоряжении нового владельца не оказалось. Ну и так далее.

А власти скрывают.

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