По предложению досточтимого
freez выкладываю мое сочинение "Words and Spaces" ("Cлова и пробелы") Интересно мнение сообщников.
на primeupload - 14 минут, mp3 256 (12,8 Мб) Состав - голос и 9 инструментов (флейта пикколо/альтовая, гобой, кларнет, бас-кларнет, фагот/контрафагот, валторна, труба, тромбон, контрабас).
Использован текст, известный в американской oral history как "Последние слова голландца Шульца" - предсмертный бред гангстера, убитого в 1935 году в Нью-Йорке. Точнее, его электронная модификация "Further Last Words of Dutch Schultz", взятая
отсюда и еще пуще переделанная (см. ниже).
автор и eNsemble
Института Про Арте, дирижер Федор Леднев. Запись с концерта 16 сентября 2005 года, СПб.
загрузить (12,8 Мб) Words and Spaces
Version of 600 words
Come on, come over here! So get your onions up and we will throw up the truce flag Come on, police are here, cut that out All right, look out
My shoes There are ten millions fighting somewhere of you Please take me out No business No business No!
Yes, he gave it to do for the worse they are they dyed my shoes off What did you hear Come on I am I doing here with my collections of papers I don't I forgot Please, nothing Nothing Just pull out and give me water The boy came at me
Oh, he gave it to me please sir get it? Oh, dog biscuits I want to know, please Me meet him? Police, police Oh, dog biscuits I was in trouble and then he clips me In the olden days they waited and waited No hangouts No hangouts No! And when he owes everyone money Why can't he me mama
Whose number is What you hear it on Instead of hold it You pick up? My shoes off I would be spoken about Police are only thing that within on Oh, look out French-Canadian bean soup I can go there are only ten millions dollars
I don't rip Police Please don't I don't know Please give me Don't Am still
I don't know who shot me It, please, papa I don't tear Please, baloney honestly Ah please pull me if you pick up and then bother you know The boy came at once Police and girls too You or dashed any Anybody Please pull me get a boy has never wept Me control?
They waited and double checked I don't want to please Sure, mama, and what you or me up? Oh, honestly mama, but look out Oh, okay, mama
Yes, mama Will be instrumental in What I am half crazy I want harmony Please get snappy
Oh, please, let me the only thing Now listen, mama, look out We got it He just pull? I will throw up And how many good pretzler
I want harmony
My fortunes have turned in the only thing that Will be instrumental in
Don't don't don't know who don't want
My shoes off and how many good pretzler
Is priceless
French-Canadian bean soup Will be instrumental in There are fortune and I want harmony It fun is gone nothing Please don't know Mama did you And we will throw up My collection of papers The boy has never wept and how many good pretzler
No payrolls make no use to turn it
And I'm sore and I don't want to
Papers please take me
Come on and come back mama
Fun is best worth a big creep
All right, police are French people
What caused the boss himself
You back to two thousand
I showed him you promised a nickel
To stage a look out we will
They are Englishmen
The boy has never wept
Oh please give me the only thing
Thanks God No business
That I am dying
Police, strike, no I don't want to the path No one of the You are here in trouble Sure, come back and eat No! Police are ten million mama stop it A week fight? I for him, please, look out Your onions up On my shooting to do thousand
I want harmony and I don't want harmony I want harmony and I don't want harmony want harmony and I don't want
Come on, please let me