Последние секунды жизни Тони, Даны и Джерри Грей

Jun 11, 2016 15:01

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Оклахома, США, 09.06. Тони, Дана (жена Тони, управляла самолетом) и Джерри (брат Тони) Грей летели из Нормана в Хьюстон навестить лежащего в больничке отца семейства. В аэропорту назначения Дана не смогла зайти на посадку с первого раза. Результат захода на второй круг попал в объектив камеры наблюдения. В машине было пусто. Диспетчер предупреждал о спутном следе от В-737, но расследование пока грешит на неопытность пилотессы.

11 minutes before the crash:
PILOT: "So am I turning a right base now? 52g."
TOWER: "52g, roger. Just, um, maneuver back for the straight in. I don't which way you're going now so turn back around for runway 35."
The pilot makes at least three attempts to land at Hobby, but simply can't align the plane with the runway or find the right altitude for approach
-- even when controllers clear the airspace.
TOWER: "I think you're too high, Cirrus. You might be too high. You are clear to land. There will be no other traffic runway 4, so this one will be easy."
But it wasn't, and there seems to be miscommunication as the traffic controller and the pilot trade runway 35 for runway 4 and then go back to 35.
TOWER: "Clear to land."
PILOT: "Trying to get down again. 4352g."
TOWER: "No problem."
Two minutes before the crash, essentially meaningful communication from the pilot stopped, which is a problematic situation when a 737 is inbound.
TOWER: "Um, it is going to be a little bit tight with one behind it so when you get on that downwind stay on the downwind. Advise me when you have that 737 in sight. We'll either do 4 or we might swing you around to 35."
TOWER: "Uh ma'am, uh, ma'am, uh, straighten up! Straighten up!"
It is clear the pilot cannot land the plane.
PILOT: "Turning around for 35. I'm so sorry for the confusion. 4252g."
TOWER: "That's OK. We'll get it."

последние секунды жизни, америка с горы, женщина за рулем, КИРПИЧИ, авиация, ВНЕЗАПНО!

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