Title: Reid and Luke go to a Cheer Competition
Pairing: Luke and Reid
Other characters: Natalie and Megan
Summary: Reid and Luke are chaperones at for Natalie and Megan at a cheer competition in Chicago.
A/N This is not intended to disparage against cheer mom’s in any way. I was a cheer mom for 5 years. I just thought it would be funny to put Luke and especially Reid in this situation. Bad things will happen (to other people) and Reid will be traumatized (by all the girliness) but all major characters will be unharmed.
Cheer is a great sport but it is a high risk sport, and while I do recognize that many athletes suffer with injuries and I don’t want to make light of said injuries this story is not about them.
I suppose that this is AU as it didn’t happen on the show and there was no train in this universe. I am terrible with terminology, I apologize for that
Disclaimer These are not my characters.
All mistakes are mine.
Comments are welcomed and loved.
After a terrible night’s sleep, Reid woke up feeling very grumpy. “Did you know that cheerleaders are the loudest species on the planet?” he asked Luke accusingly.
“Uh…yeah that’s why I brought the earplugs for us,” Luke responded feeling equally cranky.
“We needed a separate hotel, if you knew how loud they were, why are we staying here?”
“We had to stay with the team; otherwise I would have booked us somewhere else.”
Reid just rolled his eyes in response.
“What was all that thumping? It sounded like a heard of elephants roaming up and down the halls.”
“Tumbling,” Luke said with a shrug. “Cheerleaders are always practicing their tumbling runs.”
“It frightens me that you know the answer to that question.”
Luke just shrugged. “Do you want room service for breakfast? I know that there is a buffet downstairs, but the girls don’t have time to go so you would have to gather food for them as well as yourself and bring it up to the room.”
Reid just gaped at Luke. “You want me to fetch and carry for you and the girls? Are you kidding me? Order room service, I’m going to go and have a shower,” Reid huffed.
Luke sighed knowing that it was going to be a very long day. He quickly picked up the phone and dialled room service. He ordered a huge amount of food for Reid and a regular amount for everyone else. He ordered orange juice and milk for the girls and a pot of coffee for Reid and himself.
Luke began to get antsy as he waited for Reid to be finished in the shower. After ten minutes of pacing Luke tentatively knocked on the bathroom door.
There was no answer.
Luke frowned and tried the door, it was unlocked.
“Reid,” Luke called quietly as he opened the door.
Still no answer.
Luke closed the door behind him and went into the bathroom, concerned that something had happened to Reid.
“Reid,” Luke called again slightly louder than before as panic crept into his voice.
“What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for you forever,” came Reid’s sly reply.
“Reid,” Luke answered in exasperation. “We can’t do anything; the girls are right outside the door.”
“They’re still asleep, aren’t they?”
“Yes, but they won’t be if I join you,” Luke answered carefully averting his eyes away from Reid’s hot, naked, dripping wet body.
“Come on, Luke we can be quiet,” Reid said trying to temp him.
Luke laughed out loud. “Have you heard us? We could never be that quiet.. One or both girls will wake up and Natalie will end up traumatized. I can’t do that to her, I’m sorry,” Luke stated firmly just before Reid caught him by surprise and kissed him lovingly on the lips. “Come on, Luke you know you want to,” Reid said with a leer.
Just as Luke was about to cave, there was a knock on the door. “Are you guys almost done in there, I need to pee. Hurry up!!!” Natalie demanded.
Luke shot Reid a knowing glance and Reid just glared back at him while he turned off the shower and took the fluffy white towel that Luke was holding out for him.
“We’ll be right out; Nat. Reid is just, uh… brushing his teeth.”
Moments later the boys were out of the bathroom and Natalie was in. Luke brought her uniform to her so that she could get changed. Megan changed when Natalie was finished in the bathroom.
Breakfast arrived much to Reid’s pleasure and he sat down and began to eat. He was pleased at the amount of food that Luke had ordered, figuring there was enough for him with a little left over for the others.
Luke had insisted that Natalie and Megan put on their hoodies and sweatpants to protect their uniforms, while they ate. He was glad that the team had decided to go with black and blue sweats to contrast, rather than match, the white and blue uniforms.
Luke busied himself organizing the hair products needed as well as plugging in the straightening iron before insisting that Natalie come and sit in the desk chair so that he could begin the arduous task of doing her hair.
Reid, though pretending to be completely focused on his food, was watching Luke out of the corner of his eye, amused by Luke’s preparations.
“What the hell is that thing?” Reid asked as Natalie brushed her hair.
Luke sighed, heavily. “It’s a straightening iron,” he replied evenly.
“Why do you need that? Natalie’s hair is already straight.”
“Not straight enough for cheer,” Megan stated, helpfully.
Reid just smirked and rolled his eyes.
Luke ran the straightening iron through Natalie’s hair and frankly could see very little difference from before it was straightened, but Luke was determined to follow the instructions so he pretended that there was a big difference. Then he heard Reid snicker behind him. Luke chose to ignore him and put some gel into his hands to add to Natalie’s hair.
“Not too much gel Luke, I only want it in the front of my hair to keep it smooth. Don’t get any in the pony tail or it won’t swish properly,” Natalie advised sternly.
Reid laughed out loud.
Luke tried to do what he was told and carefully applied gel to the front of Natalie’s head.
“Gross, Luke you’ve got gel all over my forehead. I need a warm wet washcloth to get rid of it,” Natalie demanded.
“Sorry Nat, I’m doing my best,” Luke apologized.
Natalie just sighed heavily at the burden she was forced to bear.
Reid appeared with the aforementioned wash cloth and handed it to Natalie after fixing her with a stern look.
“Uh…thanks Reid,” Natalie said uncertainly.
Luke beamed his appreciation at Reid.
Now that the gel situation was somewhat under control, Luke looked at the instructions and began gathering the hair with a comb and bringing it straight up to the top of her head from her ears. Luke gathered one side and then the other. “God Natalie, why do you have so much hair? This is a nightmare.”
“I can’t help it, Luke,” she pouted.
Finally all of her hair had been wrangled into a neat ponytail with no bumps. Luke quickly secured it with a hair elastic, while trying to ignore Natalie’s complaints that he was pulling too hard. When it was finally done, Luke felt a mixture of pride and relief and couldn’t help smiling at his success.
“Is the ponytail supposed to be cockeyed?” Reid asked feigning innocence.
Luke’s face fell as he looked in the mirror and realized that the pony was off centre.
“Crap,” Luke said “I guess I need to start over.” Luke began taking out the pony trying not to hurt Natalie too much as he removed the hair elastic.
“Luke, please be careful. You’re hurting me!” Natalie admonished, wincing in pain.
Reid took pity on Luke and came over and took over Natalie’s hair. Reid glanced at the instructions, assessed Natalie’s head, grabbed the comb and expertly put her hair into a perfect, high ponytail.
“Wow! You did a great job. That didn’t even hurt,” Natalie commented with a touch of awe in her voice.
“Thanks Reid, that was amazing,” Luke said, leaning over and kissing Reid.
“Gross!” the two girls chorused.
Reid smirked and went to wash his hands before returning to his breakfast.
Natalie and Megan switched places and Luke started in on Megan’s hair.
“Reid can you put my pony in too?” she asked hopefully.
“Sure,” Reid replied. “As long as Luke does everything else, I am not using any kind of iron on your hair, and I don’t want to put gel in it either,” he said with a grimace.
Reid was rewarded with a huge smile from Luke. Reid just rolled his eyes.
Once Megan’s hair was done the girls once again switched places so that Luke could start on Natalie’s make-up.
Reid was oddly fascinated as he watched Luke line up the different cosmetics needed to complete this task. He had never seen so much glitter in his life.
Natalie sat perfectly still on the chair and closed her eyes. Clearly she had done this before. “Don’t use too much glue, Luke,” she cautioned.
“Glue?” Reid inquired.
“Luke needs to glue the glitter onto her eyelids or it won’t stick,” Megan explained patiently, as though she were talking to a very slow child.
Reid glared at her, recognizing the tone instantly, he had used it many times.
“What kind of glue? How do you get it off?”
Megan rolled her eyes, “it’s not Elmer’s ™ glue, it’s cheer glue, especially designed for these sparkles. See, Luke is rolling it on to her left eye right now. It comes off with make-up remover,” she stated in a voice that clearly said this was the most obvious thing in the world.
Reid kept quiet and just watched as Luke applied first the silver and then the blue sparkles.
When Luke finished both eyes he had Natalie open them so that he could see if they were even. He used make-up remover pads to sort out her right eye. Satisfied with the glitter he moved onto his nemesis-black liquid eyeliner.
Reid noticed the hesitation on Luke’s face and wondered what was coming next.
“The eyeliner is the hardest part,” Megan whispered knowingly. “You need a very steady hand, especially for the wings.”
Reid simply nodded, wondering what the hell eyeliner wings were.
He watched as Luke carefully applied the liner, with only a slightly shaky hand.
“Crap!” Luke exclaimed as the eyeliner made a huge black splotch on the side of Natalie’s face.
“Is that wrong?” Reid teased.
“Reid,” Luke pouted.
“Here let me try, I do have a very steady hand you know,” he said, winking at Megan.
“Go ahead, but I’m warning you, it’s harder than it looks.” Luke huffed out.
“I’m good with harder,” Reid whispered in Luke’s ear, making Luke blush.
Reid looked at the picture and effortlessly applied the eye-liner creating perfect wings.
“Wow, your eyes are perfect, Natalie! Please do mine too, Reid,” her voice tinged with awe as she admired his handiwork.
“Okay, but Luke has to do everything else,” he said looking at Luke, who nodded feeling very relieved.
Luke quickly finished the rest of Natalie’s make-up without incident. The lips were a bit tricky, but he managed not to make her look like a clown.
The girls switched places again and Luke proceeded to apply the necessary make-up to Megan’s face, leaving the eye-liner duties to Reid. Once again, Reid did a perfect job and both girls were happy with their appearances.
Natalie had retrieved their hair bows from their respective boxes. She was about to hand them to Luke, when Megan stopped her.
We need to throw a couple of back handsprings to make sure that our hair is secure and then it needs to be sprayed before the bows go in, remember?”
“Oh that’s right, here I’ll go first,” Natalie said. “Watch out.”
“What’s a back hand…?” Reid started to ask, but it was too late as Natalie was already flipping backwards.
Megan quickly followed suit.
When they were both upright, they looked in the mirror and were pleased to see that their hair was in place.
“Spray us, Luke,” they said in unison.
Luke picked up a big canister with a bright pink lid, “cover your eyes,” he warned, and began to spray their hair.
Reid began to choke, “did you have to use that much? I can barely breathe.”
“Yes!” the other three replied.
Luke quickly tied their bows into their ponytails tying the ends of the bow through the elastic so that it stayed firmly in place. He checked in the mirror to make sure that the bows were straight.
“You should each throw a back tuck to make sure that bows are secure,” Luke advised and the girls complied.
Reid quirked his eyebrows at Luke at the use of cheer terminology, Luke just shrugged.
“Make sure that you pack your lipstick and don’t forget to reapply before you compete, okay? Help each other out especially if there isn’t a mirror. Girls I’ve packed water in each of your bags along with some snacks. Natalie I’ve put some money in your zippered side pocket in case either of you wants to buy something to eat, okay?”
“Thanks, Luke. You guys are going to be in the audience if we need anything, right?”
The girls grabbed their bags and Reid opened the door to usher them out.
As they approached the elevator Reid suddenly stopped and stared. He had never seen a sight like this before. There was literally a wall of cheerleaders. All of them had what could now only be described in his brain as ‘cheer hair’ and cheer make-up. He had no idea that the world contained enough glitter to outfit this many people and he feared there would be more once they got to the actual venue.He was starting to feel claustrophobic just looking at them.
He reached blindly for Luke’s hand and fortunately he found it. “Are you okay?” Luke whispered into Reid’s ear.
“Stairs,” Reid managed to rasp out.
“Girls we’re going to take the stairs or we will be late meeting your team.”
“No problem, the stairs are over there, I can see the door that leads to them,” Natalie agreed leading the way.
Reid started to breathe easier once they were in the stairwell. Especially since Luke was still holding his hand.
They reached the lobby fairly quickly and Luke and Reid handed the girls off to their coaches and then they all walked across the street to the competition.
End Notes:
I’ve ended it here for now as it felt like a good stopping place. I will try to have the next chapter up by Friday, it might be tomorrow but I’m not sure how much time I will have.
I thought that I could finish this story in 3 chapters but I was wrong. I’m thinking that there will be at least four possibly five, sorry. Anyway let me know what you think!
BTW I am terrible at hair and make-up especially liquid black eye-liner. Frankly it was traumatizing for me when Luke had to put it on Natalie. LOL