The Long and Winding Road 21/?

Dec 07, 2010 12:58

Title: The Long and Winding Road

Pairing: Reid and Luke

Other characters: Casey, and Chris..

Summary: This is the story about the courtship of Luke and Reid.

Disclaimer: These are not my characters. All mistakes are mine.

Rating: NC 17 for smut and language.

Luke was going to the hospital for the first time since Reid had asked him not to visit. Of course he was not here to see Reid. Casey had phoned and asked him to meet him at the cafeteria for lunch. Luke had tried to get out of it, suggesting that they go to Al’s instead, but Casey had insisted that they eat at the hospital so here he was.

Reid knew that Luke was coming to have lunch with Casey here at the cafeteria. He also knew that he should avoid that area at all costs while Luke was in the building. Reid had even gone so far as to ask Luke to text him when he had left so that he would know the coast was clear. He knew all of this logically, the problem that where Luke was concerned he was unable to listen to reason, which is why he found himself heading to the cafeteria at the exact time that Luke was meeting Casey.

Luke and Casey had agreed to meet in the cafeteria, so when Luke arrived he quickly scanned the tables to see where Casey was sitting. He was shocked when he noticed Reid sitting at a table across from Casey. They briefly locked eyes before Luke quickly turned away and headed toward Casey.

“Hey Dude, what’s up with you and Oliver?” Casey asked as Luke sat down with his back facing Reid.

Luke shrugged, hoping to avoid the question, but the look in Casey’s eye told him that he had better come clean.

“We’re back together, but Reid doesn’t want the hospital staff to know about us,” Luke explained.

Casey frowned. “Dude, are you okay with that? I mean I remember how hard it was on you when Noah and Ameera were married.”

Luke sighed, deciding to tell Casey the whole story, after all Reid had insisted that they weren’t a secret, and Casey was his best friend.

“It’s not like it was with Noah, not at all. Um, Casey this is kind of hard for me to say, so please just hear me out, okay?”

“Sure Dude, you have me intrigued now,” Casey encouraged.

“Well Reid really doesn’t want Chris to find out about us. I’m sorry to put you in an awkward situation, but Chris has been acting really weird. Reid spoke to Bob about it, and Bob was able to explain away Chris’s behaviour in a logical way, but there is something about it that bothers Reid.”

“What has my Uncle Chris been doing?”

“Uh, well nothing really, I guess, it’s just kind of strange. Chris seems to hate Reid, and I mean really hate him. They went to med school together, and although Reid doesn’t remember Chris, Chris certainly remembers and resents Reid.”

To Luke’s surprise, Casey was nodding. “That actually makes sense. Chris has always felt entitled to everything and he hates having to work hard. Harvard was tough on him; in fact I think he had to repeat a few classes. Don’t quote me on that, but I’m pretty sure that he did. Reid seems like he skated through med school and that would have really burned Chris’s ass. He would have felt that it was completely unfair.”

“Really?” Luke asked.

“Yeah, it’s true; my dad is kind of like that too. He can be really sanctimonious, like he’s better that everyone else. I mean my dad really believes that he is the greatest lawyer in the US if not the world,” Casey finished, rolling his eyes.

“Well your dad is a fantastic lawyer.”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Casey conceded. “So tell me what Chris has been doing.”

Luke told Casey about the latte incident and how he mentioned that he thought that Luke and Noah were back together. He also mentioned that both he and Reid felt that Chris had talked to the nurses, asking them to ban Luke from Reid’s office.

“Well I agree that the whole Chris delivering coffee to Reid is weird. I mean Chris generally feels that the world exists to do his bidding and not the other way around, unless you’re a hot girl that he wants to bed, but other than that I have rarely seen him go out of his way for anyone. I don’t know why he would care who you were seeing, but I think that Ali may have suggested that you should be with Noah to him. She may also have asked the nurses to keep you away from Reid.”

“Why would Ali do that? She knows that Noah and I broke up. She mentioned him to me, but I thought that I made it clear to her that I don’t want to be with Noah.”

“Well Ali is pretty stubborn. She really thinks that Reid is bad for you and that Noah and you are meant for each other. She asked me to help her break the two of you up, but I refused. It’s possible that she then turned to Chris, who for whatever reason, may have agreed to help her.”

Luke just shook his head.

“Well I guess that I need to stay away from Ali for awhile. I don’t want to lie to her and I don’t want to tell her that Reid and I are still together. I know that it’s asking a lot, but if Chris, Ali or Noah asks you if Reid and I are together, do you think that you could cover for us?”

“Sure, Luke,” Casey agreed with a smile. “I don’t have the same moral fortitude that you do. I may not even have to lie; I can probably just evade the questions.”

“Thanks, Casey,” Luke said, relief clearly showing on his face.

“Hey, I have some news to share with you too. It’s the reason that I wanted to have lunch with you.”

“What’s that?” Luke asked clearly intrigued.

“I just got into college in Carbondale. I’m planning on going to law school once I finish my undergrad degree. What do you think?”

Luke beamed at Casey, clearly pleased for his best friend. “I think that’s terrific news, Case. You’re going to make a fantastic lawyer, maybe even give your dad some competition down the road.”

“Thanks Luke, that means a lot. Most people just think that I’m a screw up and it means a lot to me that you think that I have a shot at success.”

“Casey, you’re going to be great, I’m sure of it! Who knows you may end up working for me at the foundation or Grimaldi shipping. How cool would that be, us working together?”

“Pretty cool,” Casey replied with a big smile on his face.

“You do know that Reid has been staring at your back the whole time we’ve been having lunch don’t you?” Casey asked.

Luke blushed. “Uh yeah I thought so. I could feel his eyes boring into my back. How does he look? Is he unhappy?”

“How would I know? I’m not a girl I can’t read facial expressions, especially his which are generally blank.”

Luke turned to his left trying to catch a glimpse of Reid’s beautiful face; instead he ended up locking eyes with Chris Hughes.

“Casey, did you know that Chris is staring at us too? He’s sitting at a table to my left.”

Casey waited a moment and then casually glanced to his right and saw that Chris was indeed staring at Luke and at Reid. It was obvious that he was trying to figure out what was going on between the pair.

“Do you want to hook up with Reid?” Casey asked.

Luke blushed again. “I can’t, Reid doesn’t want to see me at the hospital.”

“Then why is he here? I think that he wants to see you, alone. The question is, do you?”

Luke swallowed hard and then he nodded his head.

“Pass me your phone, but do it under the table so that Chris won’t notice.”

Luke did as he was told.

Casey made a big show of answering his phone. “Sorry, Luke I’ve got to answer this text,” he said aloud.

Casey of course texted Reid from Luke’s phone,

“There that should do it,” Casey said as he faked putting his phone away, and handed it back to Luke.

Luke could feel his phone vibrate a response, but didn’t dare check it.

“Are you all done?” Casey asked.

“Yes,” Luke responded.

“Can you walk me back to my station?”

“Sure,” Luke responded and the two men picked up their respective trays and deposited them on the cart. Luke noticed that both Reid and Chris were still seated at their respective tables.

As soon as they had cleared the cafeteria, Luke pulled out his phone to read his text message. It was one word

“What exactly is Reid saying yes to?”

“You’ll see,” Casey replied with an enigmatic smile.

Luke just nodded and followed Casey to the supply closet on the third floor.

“Get in,” Casey stated. “He should be here in about 10 minutes. I’ll be cleaning this area so that I will be able to keep an eye on things so that the two of you are undisturbed. All I ask is that you do it quickly and quietly. I can only clean this hall for so long,” he stated pointedly.

Luke just nodded and whispered his thanks to Casey before going into the closet.

As Luke stepped into the small room, his emotions were all over the place. He was excited, nervous, terrified and thrilled. Oh my God, I can’t believe that I’m going to have sex in here with Reid. Oh my God!!! I’ve never done anything like this before. Noah would have been horrified at the idea, but I’m not. Not at all, should I be??? No, no no, I’m not going to second guess myself. Reid said yes, so clearly he wants this too. Casey said to be quick so perhaps I should get started.

As Luke began to undress quickly his brain kept screaming Reid is coming, we’re going to have sex in here. Oh my God Reid is coming!!

He retrieved the small tube of lube which, he now always carried with him, from his jeans. He was so turned on knowing that Reid would be coming through the door at any moment that he could barely contain himself.

Reid had been delayed as he noticed that Chris had followed him out of the cafeteria. Reid went to his office, praying that Chris would be satisfied and go back to work. God, he’s a doctor, doesn’t he have patients that he needs to see? Why is he following me? Ugh. Luke is waiting for me and I have to get rid of stupid Doogie!!!

Reid gathered everything that he needed and put the items in the pockets of his lab coat and headed out. He felt like an idiot but he checked to make sure that Doogie was not around. Judging that the coast was clear, Reid headed for 3W.

Christ I hope that Luke hasn’t given up on me and left. Stupid Doogie!!!

When he finally got to the storage closet he saw that Casey was cleaning the hallway. Reid gave the younger man a brief nod and opened the door.

Reid quietly opened the door and closed it behind him careful to lock it before turning his attention to Luke.

When he saw Luke standing there, touching himself with one hand and opening himself up with the other, Reid was overcome with desire.

“Holy fuck, Luke,” Reid breathed out, staring at Luke, completely transfixed.

“Sorry, um Casey said to be quick and quiet, so I um sort of got started without you,” Luke mumbled feeling embarrassed but not stopping what he was doing.

Reid quickly shucked his pants and boxers, sheathed his cock and positioned himself behind Luke.

“Never apologize for being this hot, EVER!” Reid whispered into Luke’s ear, managing to nibble on it at the same time. “Are you ready?” he asked nudging Luke’s hand out of his ass.

“Fuck yes,” Luke hissed in response, roughly removing his own hand.

“Good,” Reid said as he slammed into Luke, causing the younger man to gasp, and reach out his hands to lean against the wall for some much needed support.

Reid wrapped one arm around Luke’s waist to gain leverage and used his other hand to play with Luke’s nipples.

“Fuuuucckkk Reid,” he moaned as Reid found just the right angle.

Reid smiled to himself and moved his hand away from Luke’s hardened nipples so that he could stroke Luke’s leaking cock.

“Shhhh, I know you’re close but you’ve got to be quieter.” Reid commanded as Luke’s moans were getting louder.

Luke nodded and removed one of his arms from the wall so that he could use it to muffle his cries.

Seconds later Reid felt Luke shudder and release hot liquid all over his hand.

Luke’s orgasm triggered Reid’s release and he bit down, hard on Luke’s neck in order to muffle his own noises.

Luke slumped against the wall, needing it to stay upright. Reid clung to Luke for the same reason. The only sound in the small room was their ragged breathing as they both recovered their equilibrium.

“Wow that was hot!” Luke stated as he finally regained the power of speech.

“Yeah, who knew you could have so much fun in such a small space,” Reid said suddenly aware of the rather limited space that they were occupying.

“Oh my God, I completely forgot about your claustrophobia, are you okay?”

Reid leaned over and kissed Luke soundly, trying to remove all doubt from the blonde’s mind.

“Luke it was totally worth it. You are totally worth it,” Reid said staring into Luke’s worried brown eyes. “All the same I’d like to get you cleaned up so that we can get out of here.”

Luke suddenly felt embarrassed realizing that he had nothing to clean himself up with when he noticed that Reid was digging around in his lab coat.

“Baby wipes? You seriously carry baby wipes with you?”

“Hey they’re not just for babies you know,” he responded with a smile and began cleaning off Luke’s chest with great care and efficiency.

“Thanks,” Luke said quietly as he enjoyed Reid taking care of him.

Once Reid was finished, Luke quickly got dressed.

Reid pulled up his boxers and his pants and then quickly wiped Luke’s errant come off of the wall that had proven so useful during  their earlier activities.

Reid turned and kissed Luke one last time before reaching for the door handle so that they could exit.

Just as his hand touched the handle he heard Casey’s voice and quickly pulled his hand away.

“Chris, what are you doing up here?” they heard Casey ask.

Fucking Chris Hughes, must he ruin everything???

“I have a patient up here and I wanted to check on them,” Chris lied smoothly.

“You have a patient up here? This isn’t peds you know, why is one of your patients up here?”

Luke and Reid looked at each other expectantly.

“Look Casey, it’s a special case so I had them transferred up here, okay?” Chris answered testily. “Why do you care anyway?”

“Geez Chris I was just asking you don’t need to blow a gasket,” Casey replied happy to see Chris so flustered. He’s definitely not here to see a patient; I bet he wants to ask me about Luke. “Well I guess that you had better get going to check on this special patient of yours.”

Christ why was Casey picking now of all times to pay attention. I have been looking for him since lunch. I need to ask about Luke. I have to know what is going on between him and Reid.

“Well Casey I do have a couple of minutes to talk to you. I hardly ever get to see you anymore. How are you doing?”

Crap, Luke and I are going to be trapped in here for awhile now that Chris has decided he needs to chat with Casey. Hasn’t he heard of the phone??

Luke, sensing Reid’s discomfort reached over and held his hand. Luke gently rubbed his thumb up and down the length of Reid’s. “Think about the brain,” he suggested quietly.

Reid allowed himself to drift away, enjoying the comfort of Luke’s touch. He no longer found the brain to be his happy place; his happy place was with Luke.

Reid closed his eyes and started to imagine what it would be like to share a place with Luke, so that they could be together on a more permanent basis. He started to smile at the idea of going to bed with Luke each night and waking up with him each morning when he heard Chris say Luke’s name.

What the fuck did Chris just say? He turned a questioning eye toward Luke who merely shrugged in reply.

“Why are you asking about Luke and Reid?” they heard Casey answer.

“I’m just worried about Luke. I know that he is a good friend of yours and I just don’t want to see him get used up and tossed aside by Reid Oliver.”

“Why do you think that Reid would use Luke and then toss him aside?”

“Look I went to med school with the guy and let me tell you the guy is a total user. He cheated on a Fellowship that should have gone to me.”

“Wow, you were the runner up for a major fellowship at Harvard, that’s incredible. I wonder why I’ve never heard about it before.”

Reid smirked quietly inside the closet, knowing that Chris was lying.

“Well I wasn’t exactly the runner up, but I helped her with her research and so my name would have been published with the winning article if she had rightfully won.”

“So Reid really cheated and won? Wow, that’s a huge accomplishment. I mean those things must be pretty heavily monitored so that people can’t successfully cheat. I bet it was harder for him to cheat and win than it would have been just to win it on his own merit,” Casey stated, not even trying to keep the admiration he felt toward Reid out of his voice.

Luke and Reid shared a smile knowing that Chris must be apoplectic.

“Casey, you don’t understand. He robbed ME of an honour that I was ENTITLED TO!”

“Come on Chris, you know how hard it is to get away with cheating on campus. Look at what happened to Luke and me when I stuffed the ballot boxes when he ran for student council president. We got kicked out, and that was just Oakdale U. Granted we might not have been caught if Noah hadn’t ratted us out to the dean, but whatever. It is very impressive that Reid put one over on Harvard.”

“I’ve got to go,” Chris stated through gritted teeth. I fucking HATE Reid Oliver. Why can’t people see how awful he is? GRRRRRRRR.

Casey chuckled to himself as he knocked on the closet door.

“So did you really cheat or is Chris just being an ass?”

“I didn’t cheat,” Reid stated emphatically. “Thanks for sticking up for me.”

“No problem,” Casey said and grabbed his stuff and went back to work.

“I want to hear more about this election and why the hell that bastard Noah Mayer turned you in, but I have to go back to work now. Are you free for dinner tonight?”

“No,” Luke said regretfully. “How about tomorrow night, what time are you off?”

“I’m off at six.”

“Great I’ll pick you up,” Luke replied with a devious smile. “By the way we’re having dinner with my family, so be prepared. My mom wants to get to know you better.”

Reid’s face fell. “Luke I’m not sure that that is such a good idea. I really want to hear more about the election and school and all that, but I don’t want to do that in front of your parents, unless I have to,” he added pointedly.

“There’s not that much to tell,” Luke sighed, why did Casey have to open up his big, fat mouth.  “I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 6 and we can talk about it on the way over to dinner, okay?”

“Okay,” Reid heard himself agreeing. How does he do that? He always manages to get me to agree to things that I don’t want to do.

“By the way, Grandma Emma is bringing dessert,” Luke said just before he turned the corner and was out of sight.

lure my fic rated nc17

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