Jul 07, 2010 12:58
Ever get the feeling that you rub someone the wrong way, not intending to? Maybe you started a conversation poorly and further dug yourself into a social grave? Seems like that's been happening to me quite a bit recently.
I've been trying to become more social lately. I have been out of practice for a very long time, relying on friends to piggy-back me through a conversation. Socialization and conversing with others once came naturally to me. However, I disappeared for a few years and it appears that I failed a trait roll along the road and lost it.
These social cues which have once come naturally to me, I now have to work at. When is it too soon to give someone a hug? Do you interject if you have an awesome bit of info to add to a conversation? If so, at what point does it become rude and and considered hogging all the attention?
Luckily for me and the profession I aspire to have, communication is a necessity . So I guess I'm going to have to continue to work on it. After all, practice makes perfect, right? Yes and no... for me anyways. You can bullshit yourself through a conversation and emit this wonderful facade. But, I like to present myself... well, as me. So the theory is, the more comfortable I become with myself and my convictions, the better I will be at this whole socializing thing...
Trying to reclaim the extrovert role rather than play the *shy* extrovert (it exists, I SWEAR!) has been kicking my ass, but I am slowly regaining my bearings.
Now if I could only stop digging that damn hole..............
emersion from the shell,