A drabble. Completed January 11. 2007.
Title: Mom
Fandom: House MD
Characters or Pairing: Young House and his mother.
Rating/Genre/Warnings: Anyone and everyone, Gen, and none.
Summary: A young House wishes he were somewhere else.
Disclaimer: As long as we're just having fun it's okay right. Right?! I don't own House MD and do not intend any infringement or disrespect to those who do.
The scent of sweet peas envelope him as he stares out the window.
“Where are you going little man?”
Sunlight melts a dusty rectangle into the worn floorboards. Scuffed shoes, on tiny feet below too long shorts, dangled over the edge of the bench. Feeling the rumble before hearing the whistle he slides from the bench into the glowing rectangle.
The smell of spices, coal, seared meat, and body odor swirl in the wake of passers-by. Eyes closed, deep breathe, make a wish.
Time passes.
Sweet peas
He nods.
“Let's go home.”
He takes her offered hand.