In the ongoing effort to post only the happy, last night I posted
Lost in Translation in which Peter has difficulty with Rat and Crow code and finally gets it right at the very end.
Ask and ye shall receive. Anons wanted Peter and Rat and Crow code.
serakit wanted Cats (Not a kitten and but I hope this satisfies!) And this now sets up the story to come, the knighting of Otters Lady Arsehat and Sir Dickwad.
And yes, I now have Everybody Lives, Nobody Leaves AU. Yes, it does mean I joss
Acceptance of the Terms and this doesn't approach that piece's level of melancholy. Happy, remember?
There are bits and pieces that are familiar -- a bit of Black as Rat and Crow because one anon wanted to know what it was that Peter did in fact end up sending to Edmund and Susan and an expansion of a very short scene in TSG Part 1. And poor Peter. He keeps trying to say heartfelt things and it never works out, for instance
here and
Happy! Silly! Fluffy!
PS-- there's a little bit of head canon floating around. I've had this idea of a Black Dwarfess midwife and now introduce her and her Cat familiar. Also that scene with Peter and Leszi is right before Leszi... errr, never mind. Happy! this is all happy!
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